> Namaste GuruJ.

OM Namo Narayan - 
> In response to your post below: Why does the veil of illusion even exist? I 
> realize it's a 
joke, but it seems like a cruel one. :(

0- one got lost in the story and the projections and this is pointed to also 
if you remember how Satan became Satan. In the beginning he was the Head 
of the chior of Angels. But he decided he wanted to have the glory for himself 
and so came the fall and the infamous identity as Satan took place as Ego. Also 
if you 
remember the Garden of Eden they had it all - walked with God - were in 
but they chose *knowledge* hahahaahahahahah All they knew at that point was 
Good - 
but they chose to know good versus evil. Duality - whoosh and a limited 
physical body
at that point was brought into being to hold the eternal spirit, and their 
years upon 
the earth was limited. This was still compassion. So much for chosing to know 
good versus evil. - OK we tire of that game and sin. Sin means nothing more 
separation. So in the end with all those pointings we chose OUR way aka EGO and 
to become individual gods - and this is also in the bible rather than Knowing 
the One God. 
So much for the preachiology today. hahahahahahaahahahah The Good News is 
that the way back is open. hahahhahahahahaahahaha One can't beat paradise. 
Immersed within the One is infinitely better than being trapped in the numerous 
a one. 
> Love,
> Amy

Maha Shanti 

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