And Edg, if Barry's worst critic says it, you know it's got to be true. You say 
"deal with the issues" but you're questioning someone's personal integrity and 
demanding they defend it, which it's not their job to do here. Barry is 
avoiding getting triggered and drawn into a fight. He might have debated with 
you had you not made it personal. 
  While you're not flaming in the literal sense of name-calling, you're 
questioning his personal moral fiber, which is not far from flaming. If you 
want to debate your four points, go for it. But to keep sticking Barry in the 
middle of it is both unfair and counterproductive to your purpose. 
  Your moral ideas are good ones IMO, and debating such matters causes 
everyone's consciousness to be expanded or raised. You play a part, through 
such thoughtful posts, in social evolution. It just focuses readers off the 
concepts and into hurt and bickering when you make the issue of a forum 
member's integrity the middle of an otherwise well-reasoned argument. 
  - Bronte 

authfriend <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          --- In, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> If you rail about George Bush invading a country, why is it
> allowed for Turq to walk into a bar and use all his powers
> "just because he can?" It is allowed, yes, because it would
> be so hard to police, but where is Turq's moral authority --
> who can look in a mirror and say with a clear conscience,
> "Heh heh, I got that stupid short-bus guy to buy this lemon
> car from my shady used-car dealership." Or, "That girl is
> so stupid, it's like she's permanently drunk, so that'll be my
> easy-lay for tonight!"

Edg, stop. Just stop.

Barry's said explicitly that he was just enjoying
the conversation with this woman, not trying to 
get into her pants:

"And yeah, she is 'way cute, and I would be the
luckiest guy on earth if I were fortunate enough
to be hittin' that. But that really wasn't on my

"What was on my mind was the rarity of finding a
kindred soul on this blue-green ball in black space
-- in the most unlikely of locations (a basement
Irish bar) and in the most unlikely of bodies. I
can tell already that this young girl and her sister
and I are going to become really good friends. And I
don't develop really good friends that easily.

"So to those of you who have fallen for all the
'poking the near-dead to see if they've still got a
spark of life in them' language I sometimes use on
this forum, and have been convinced that I'm just a
lowlife scum without're probably
right. But I *do* have ethics, and my ethics would
never allow me to do *anything* to harm this cute
young thing in any way.

"While it might be really enjoyable to ball the 19-
year-old's sweet little buns off -- or even those of
her slightly older sister -- that's almost certainly
not going to happen. What *might* happen is that
we'll have *great* conversations. And if anything I
can say in them can help to keep these two as OPEN to
life, and as ALIVE as they are now, and not let that
aliveness get all worn down and OLD by interfacing
with the world, I will be content."

I don't trust Barry any further than I could throw
him, and *I* believe him when he says that's all
he was doing--as nauseatingly juvenile as I find
his ostentatious self-congratulation.

All your rants against him on this topic have been
based on a premise that *you made up*.

Either come up with some really solid reasons why
we should assume he was lying, or *get the hell
off him*.

Rant all you want about men's sexual predations on
women, but stop personalizing it to Barry.


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