--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000"
> Edg:
> snip
> Having snappy repartee in a bar and thinking oneself very clever and 
> maybe destined to get lucky, is simply aggrandizement by an elitist of 
> the leverage tools he's able to command. It takes a ton of time and 
> dedication to even begin to get a handle on relationship and honesty.  
> To hang around bars and just do the easy stuff is so superficial, so 
> egoic, so outer directed, and it's so wildass goofy to expect that bar 
> hopping as a bard is a lifestyle that will serve up much profit for 
> the soul.
> I got to admit, I think Edg may have hit upon something here.  Turq 
> does seem to spend a lot of time in this envirnoment, in this mode.
> lurk

I don't think anyone is extolling cruising bars for Ms One Night.
(Well, Curtis last friday night, but that was an exception man.) FFL
is such an interesting Rorschach canvas. Draw a few squiggles, and
someone says "why are you so depraved, one-dimensional, crude and

Thats not to say, that all comments need to be in direct response to a
poster. But even so, If a poster say's A, why does, the independent
idea seem to arise in some "Z sub prime" -- when the two have so
little in common.

Actually, people who are quick witted in complex social settings do
have a skill. And having that skill does not preclude having deep
relationship skills. It may. it may not. Little direct correlation, IMO. 

The only correlation (a negative one in this case) that occurs to me
is that quick witted bar and party banterteers is that they tend to be
quite pronounced in extroversion scales. Given that a hallmark of
extroverts is "speak first, think later" -- they process through
speaking much more than through inner thinking.  They tend to have
less of the introvert's skills of  inner, considered, contemplative,
richer and more complex appreciation and working through complex
issues. They more, think before they speak. Response time is slower,
though responses may be richer and deeper. Not a fully appreciated
skill at parties and bars. (And if relationships are not complex in
their dynamics of their issues and structures -- what are they?) Not
to say that some are adept an skilled at operating well at all ranges
of the introversion/extroversion scale.

Turq may have his quirks, don't we all, but some of the
one-dimensionalizing of him going on here recently is both sad and
funny. Sad the writers' perceptions are so one-dimensional, and appear
to reflect their own issues. Funny because Turq, its clear, is a far
more nuanced and complex fellow than such charactures would portray. 

That Turq has a intereting and engaging conversation one night in a
bar he happened to pop into with a vivacious, smart and funny 25 an 19
year old sisters -- and from this some draw the wildest -- of
conclusions. What demons lay lurking  not so deep below the surface in
thier heads to dream up these things> And once having the odd thought,
to actually believe it. Like some people and posts, some thoughts are
not worth responding to. (Unless you think you own the thoughts --
then the mind bitch/prick has you tied to a ball and chain -- and you
have to defend what she/he says.)


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