You're doing the same thing as Angela. There is no comparison between
the TM movement and the Nazis that can pass any kind of basic test
(except on this board of course). Using these  kinds of arguments I
could prove that my granny resembled Stalin. 

--- In, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Oct 15, 2007, at 10:46 AM, feste37 wrote:
> > How many atrocities have been committed by TMers?
> >
> > Your reasoning reminds me of the Rodney King trial in LA in 1992, when
> > the defense managed to deconstruct the case to the extent that what
> > was obviously true no longer appeared so. You take a few concepts and
> > ideas, compare them to a few other ideas held by another group in a
> > different time and culture, and then try to show how similar they are.
> > What you ignore is a host of ways in which these two movements are
> > completely different, and you end up making statements that are
> > plainly ridiculous, not to mention offensive to the many people in
> > this town who have helped to create it as the place that apparently
> > you choose to live in. Anyone with an iota of balanced judgment could
> > see through your arguments in a moment--a child could do so--but you,
> > carried away by your own cleverness, cannot.
> If you watch The Occult History of the Third Reich, the BBC  
> documentary, esp. the episode The SS: Blood and the Soil, it would  
> become more apparent what the significance is. Prior to the arising  
> of Hitler's authoritarian regime there was a great interest in  
> meditation, vegetarianism, etc. much like our 1960's. Mahesh's ideas,  
> if implemented, i.e. establishment of a worldwide Vedic society  
> adhering to caste laws and ideas of Vedic purity, we would be  
> following a very similar pattern. Would it result in the deaths of  
> millions? It's impossible to say but the same pattern is in place  
> already, and if left to his own devices we would see western cities  
> being destroyed and rebuilt on the fourfold "sthapatya-veda" city- 
> plan which segregates people by castes.
> That's not to say that all of what Angela is claiming as fact is  
> factual. Hitler communicating daily with the 13th Dalai Lama? Give me  
> a break! Many of the German fantasies about Tibet were long ago  
> proven to be just that: fantasy. They'd make good Indiana Jones  
> sequels, but should not be considered history in the scientific sense  
> of that word.

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