shempmcgurk wrote:
> Of course I hate pollution, Edg.  I hike at least once a week and 
> hate seeing that haze of grey over the city.
> But global warming is what is under discussion here. Our mutual 
> disgust of our living environment and the destruction of the planet 
> because of greenhouse gasses are two different things.
> And speaking of global warming, remember that the IPCC said that the 
> #1 cause of global warming was not "tailpipes" (your term from below) 
> but "cowpipes": farting and belching from livestock.
> If people stopped eating meat tomorrow, we could,literally, eliminate 
> 99% of the #1 cause of global warming overnight.  
And they would be too anemic to do anything else other than sit on the 
couch which they do enough of already.  Of course they would also get 
severely ill because most people can't become vegetarians overnight but 
that'll help solve the problem.  Reduce the population and you reduce 
> All cattle slaughtered. All chickens, lambs, etc.  No more farting, 
> no more belching.
No more energy or strength for humans.  Blame your ancestors.
> But I suggest it would be VERY hard to give up our cars and, to do 
> so, would devastate the world economy, something that would NOT 
> happen if the livestock industry came apart.
You could wear a cherry bowl helmet and ride a bike just like many other 
vata types -- which BTW is the wrong exercise for a vata type.  Ever 
notice how strident bicycle riders are?
> So I'll jump on the global warming bandwagon just to see the world 
> become vegetarian.
So you're joining the New World Order?  :D

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