To All Members:

In order to reduce the violence in Iraq, the people of that land needs 
to establish a strong central government which can enforce the laws of 
its people.  These laws should include provisions to promote Natural 

Also, the Iraqis need to surrender their own disparate religious 
interests for the good of the entire country.  This surrender of tribal 
mentality should lead to a cohesive central government.

In other words, the people need to adopt a higher level of 
consciousness in order to gain the unifying power of Natural Law.  
Without taking advantage of this power, the Iraqis will continue to 
foment an ever growing cancer of violence.  More people will die and 
the land will become a wasteland.

The United States should NOT take on the role of being the benefactor 
for the government of Iraq ad infinitum.  The USA should let the Iraqi 
develop their own destiny as an independent nation.  Peace needs to 
nurtured from the hearts of the Iraqis by themselves and at their own 
terms.  This is the only way stability in Iraq can be maintained.  As 
such, the US should get out of Iraq as soon as possible.


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