Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On Oct 18, 2007, at 4:36 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
>> And I'm going to rap about it a bit, taking the Yahoo
>> Search Engine as *my* authority. Yahoo (God) tells me
>> that I have only posted 34 times to FFL this week,
>> and that thus I have one more post left. Others this
>> week have made the same claim, and thus felt "entitled"
>> to One More Post. If they had bothered to check out
>> the *accuracy* of their "authority," they would have
>> realized that the Yahoo Search Engine is *not* infal-
>> lible, and that in fact was at least one post too low
>> in its totals this week for most people here, myself
>> included. But, to make a point, even though I know
>> that I've already posted 35 times, I'm going to post
>> a 36th time, because I'm relying on an "authority,"
>> in this case the Yahoo Search Engine.  :-)
> Actually, this is Post #39 this week, Barry.
> My authority is the Sal Search Engine--completely infallible, I tell ya.
> Sal
I don't know about you but I only have enough time to read the first few 
sentences of his long rambles anyway.  I doubt if most people have as 
much time on their hands to read his posts as he has to write them.   I 
guess he needs a new contract to keep him busy. :) 

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