Bhairitu wrote:
> His legacy will be "the worst president in history" 
> and if anyone in congress has enough balls he'll 
> serve it out in Leavenworth.  The country is growing 
> more and more fascist day by day.
Oh Gawd - you sound really, really scared! 

> The Democrats aren't helping any as they are kissing 
> the asses of the corporations too.
If you had any balls you'd unsubscribe from ComCast and 
get the hell out of the country. 

> I think that congress has been blackmailed that if they 
> do anything against Bush something bad will happen and 
> if they even admit they've been blackmailed something 
> bad will happen.
Get real! The Dems can't even capture Osama bin Laden.

> The French sure have more courage than the American 
> sheeple:
> It would be sheer fantasy to imagine anything like that 
> happening here.
Yeah, the French transport strike is aimed at opposing 
Sarkozy's plans to roll back pension privileges that carry
an annual price tag of 5 billion euros ($7.1 billion)! 

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