
This is a call for articles covering most anything related to dharma
-- articles written for general audiences or specialty interest groups.
PROUT, yoga, social justice, economics, politics, true love, human evolution
-- anything related to the progressive and dharmic evolution of humanity and
all life on Earth and beyond.

I have access to many venues for presenting your articles, written for
general audiences or special interest groups, such as green and sustainable
living or alternative economics or politics, for example, yet who are not
margiis.  Send your articles along with sources and credits due to the
author(s) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the title *"article submital"* in the
subject line.  Articles may be edited to conform to audiences and publishing

 *"What we want is the rule of rationality.  Human
society is one and indivisible...Only due to
dogmas, people think in terms of heterogeneity.
There is only one ideology in the world which is
not only all-embracing but also all-pervading.*

*"Both the problems and their solutions have been
pointed out. Now it is our bounden duty to carry
this message to all nooks and corners of this
world.  The wind is blowing in our favour.  We
should carry the message to each and every
particle of marrow of this living world."*

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