
I tried to scan about a dozen posts-of-yours to see if I could quickly
decide where your head is actually at about BushCo, Iraq War, etc. 
Came up short.  Could you give us a rundown of some of your actual

Do you agree that the Iraq war was about oil and the euro?

Do you think waterboarding is okay?

Do you think the last two elections were fixed?

Do you think 9-11 was a terrorist act or was it instead an inside job?

Are you anti-congress just because they're all scum suckers for
GlobalBiz, or merely because you think of yourself as a republican?

Would you vote for Ron Paul?  Kucinich?

How would you compare Bill Clinton's
do-nothing-let-half-a-million-be-hacked-to-death policy about Dafur
compared to Bush's "kill anyone in Iraq between me and the oil" policy?

Are you pro-choice or pro-life?

Would you allow stem cell research?

Is Global Warming caused by man-made pollutants?


--- In, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 10/22/07 1:51:34 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
> Harry  Reid's favorability rating in Nevada is down to 
> 32 percent, which is lower  than President Bush's. 51 
> percent of Nevada voters rate Reid unfavorably,  
> according to a poll by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
> 'Reid it and  weep'
> Posted by John Hindraker:
> _http://www.powerlinhttp://wwwhttp://wwwhttp://www.powehtt_ 
> ( 
> John  posted:
> > "Bush's job approval rating fell to 24 percent from last  
> > month's record low for a Zogby poll of 29 percent."  
> >
> Funny how each person that uses this poll leaves out the sentence that  
> follows , that says Congress has a paltry 11% approval  rating.
> ************************************** See what's new at

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