I remember way back when someone read aloud an article to Maharishi
about a house that got "skipped over" by a tornado that leveled
everything else in the neighborhood.  The owners were quoted, "We're
transcendental meditators, and we were meditating when the tornado came."

On the other hand, if the tornado had hit that house, they probably
wouldn't have mentioned TMing during it, eh?  So these types of 
reports are skewed towards the miraculous maybe.


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, bob_brigante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the last fire that hit SoCal town Ramona, which has a group of SV 
> homes, none of the homes was hit by the fire, altho it came very close, 
> right up to the property line. Fire is again impacting Ramona, and it 
> will be interesting to see if the SV homes escape again:
> http://www.euronews.net/index.php?page=info&article=449710&lng=1
> If we don't hear from the SV homeowners there, I guess that means that 
> the homes were not spared.

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