--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "biosoundbill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Does anybody know what is the purpose of the TM puja?
> Is it to enliven the mantra,or is it to help the teacher to connect 
> with Guru Dev,or to go to the transcendent in order to fuse the >mantra 
> with shakti,before passing it on to the initiate? any thoughts,or 
> opinions?
 > Namaste,
 > Billy

Personally Billy, I believe you/or I, don't have a personal Guru, and
even if we did, he likely wouldn't be much use to you or me for
that matter, you can't transmit a 1000 watts into a 12 watt bulb, get
my drift?

MMY is merely acting as a human instructor in order to raise your
vibrations high enough to be able to merit a Sat-Guru (True God
Realized Guru) that can transmit some of his God Consciousness to you
and connect you directly to Brahman.

I think if we take the hocus-pocus out of the mantra/Initiation we are
better off and just take MMY's word that the mantras are the personal
names of Gods/deities and have an auspicious effect, the rest is
merely contained in Patanjali's eight limbs of yoga and Samyama in
particular; Dharan (effortless 'concentration'), Dhyan spontaneous
contemplation of the Divine, and Samadhi immersion into the one and only.

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