This is forwarded from a very dear and highly respected friend.

Our beloved Meditating community ~~

Maharishi has just approved getting the Pandits warm winter coats, etc! A $25,000 matching donation has already been given for this purpose. Could we, together with our network of friends, come up with the rest of the money needed?

We have all benefited so greatly from having our precious Vedic Pandits in Maharishi Vedic City and Fairfield for the last almost year. They are of paramount importance to the Peace and well-being of not only the US but the world. Many of us were given the opportunity to be a part of their Vedic Performances during Navaratri. It was an unforgettable and transforming experience for all who attended.

We all want the Pandits to be comfortable and warm as the cold winter weather and winds set in. As those who live in Fairfield and Maharishi Vedic City know, there is no buffer to the wind and elements on the Pandit campus, and they are not used to this kind of weather. Please, could we all be their surrogate parents, brothers, and sisters, and clothe them warmly, as we would our own family?

Could each of us give what is financially comfortable for us - whether it be a large amount, a coat or two, a pair of boots, some gloves? Every item is needed, for over 550 Pandits.

Please make your checks out to the Global Country of World Peace and mail to 2000 Capital Boulevard, Maharishi Vedic City, IA 52556. Indicate that the funds are for the Pandits' coats and boots. You can also donate online on the Global Country website, Again, indicate what the donation is for. All donations are tax deductible.

Please, dear meditating family, look in your heart and do what you can to help keep Maharishi's most precious Vedic Pandits warm and comfortable this winter...

With our love and appreciation,

Jai Guru Dev

Some Mothers in Fairfield

Please send this email to all your meditating friends around the country! Time is of the essence ~ cold weather is setting in and we must order and purchase coats, boots, gloves ASAP.

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