Those questions about my physics teacher and about my mom's job and my witness 
status to all that history are part of a book I'm writing.  Maybe you want to 
write a really eye catching review that debunks the whole book when I get it 
finished--I'd love it.  As for Dr. von Droste, I do not know his rank.  I know 
what his duties were.  He was working as a physicist at Peenemunde and Dora, 
the German rocket and space program which was also developing the atom bomb. He 
and Wernher von Braun were colleagues there and had been friends at university 
and in high school.  Both of them attended the Herrmann Lietz Schule.  When I 
met von Droste, he was a physics teacher at that same school, which I attended 
in the late fifties. Why is a famous physicist leaving a stellar career to 
become a lowly high school teacher?  At the end of the war, no sooner had the 
Allied lay down their guns, that they started fighting over the spoils of war, 
which, in this case included literally thousands
 of German scientists who were a decade or two ahead of the rest of the world 
in most of sciences (for one thing, they had not shied away from using human 
beings as guinea pigs). So both Droste and Braun were sought after.  For 
obvious reasons, too, America did not want all that sensitive expertise in 
rocketry and warfare to end up in Russian hands.  Droste was offered the 
position which Braun took.  Droste had refused it because he had "been working  
for a  government once too often."  Droste used slave labor and human guinea 
pigs.  Conditions were horrible. So he'd had enough.  But, as a conquered 
German, you don't get to say no when you are part of the spoils of war. Do this 
for us or stand trial for war crimes. His only hope for survival was to hide 
out in the woods as a school teacher.  German high school teachers are 
routinely required to have a Ph.D. in their teaching fields, so being a Dr. 
Droste (dropping the von) in a boarding school located in the middle of a
 huge forest in an ex-hunting castle was a good way to vanish from the scene.  

Of course I heard all kinds of stories.  What do you think historians do? Do 
they interview real people and record their stories?  I also saw a lot. The 
good thing about war is that afterwards you get this phoenix effect.  It is 
amazing to live through that, too.     

billy jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
2007 America is not the Weimar Republic. There will be no enabling law unless 
we have a WMD go off in a major city. If that happens we might actually need 
martial law.
  Also all these assertions about your privileged status as a witness to 
history sound rather fantastic. I don’t deny that you could have been in that 
specific post-war confluence of time (more so if you were a rebounder from the 
Reich) – only that it all sounds like stories you heard from  people you met 
along the way.
  “I had a teacher in high school who was a member of the SS at a very high 
   Waffen-SS or Allgemeine-SS? You may not know his unit but what was his rank, 
what were his duties? What is “very high”… was he a Gruppenfurher or 
  “My mother was in the resistance movement against Hitler during the Nazi 
era,”   Which resistance, there were several? What years 1938, 1944?
  Generalizing stories don’t go far - they just appear as speculation posing 
for truth. Coming from a self-professed redpill-er such as yourself, it seems 
more like sellective belief and selective  doubt.
  Angela Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      If the thought crime bill gets passed into law by the  Senate, then, I 
suspect that this is the last step needed before the concentration camps open 
their doors.  Bush does not really need another 9/11 to declare martial law 
because posse comitatus, the law that keeps him from declaring martial law for 
no reason, was struck down as of the first of this month.  

Of course I hope there is a miracle that will prevent all this, but I have seen 
this coming all my adult life, and even earlier.  It's true I was only five 
years old when the war was over, but when you hang out on battle fields at that 
age with body parts flying around your ears, bombs exploding all around you, 
airplanes crashing into buildings, it tends to be more memorable than ordinary 
life which most five year olds don't remember.  Or, maybe, I just have an 
unusually good memory.  I remember making a conscious decision to learn 
language (descend into language is how I thought of it) before I was out of 

 I  had a teacher in high school who was a member of the SS at a very high 
level.  My mother was in the resistance movement against Hitler during the Nazi 
era, and, irony of ironies, she was a secret agent for the Americans 
immediately after the war.  Her main job was to kidnap Nazi scientists from 
behind the Iron Curtain and get them into the American sector so they could be 
shipped to America rather than stand trial for war crimes.  She was also a 
sometime interpreter at the Nuremberg war crimes trials.  I was a conscious 
meditating human being, while, all around me, Germany woke up from the trance 
that the Nazi era had been.  

I have also done years of solid research on the Nazi-U.S. connection, and in 
addition to the research there have many interviews with ex Nazis, with 
survivors of concentration camps, with unrepentant post war Nazis, and with 
members of the underground resistance against Nazis.  One thing I have learned 
by becoming  an expert in several different fields, is that the only people who 
respect expertise are those who have also gained it in some field, especially 
in America. 

The New Age--Nazi Germany connection is something you ignore at your own 
peril---and that is the last thing I shall say about it. a

Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Don’t be sure. Jane Harman, a Democratic 
member of the House from 
California, has just gotten together with fellow members to pass HR 1955 
RFS. Just four days ago, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown 
Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 sailed off to the Senate. Harman had 
fourteen co-sponsors, ten Democrats and four Republicans. Harman’s bill 
has been called, quite properly, a “thought crime bill.”

This country apparently isn't teaming enough with terrorists for our  
government's taste so they are redefining "terrorist" to include all of us.

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