--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <drpetersutphen@> wrote:
> >
> > Curtis, wouldn't it be fun to get a few beers in 'em
> > and then ask, "What the f*ck, dude, just what the
> > f*ck?"
> Or we could just ditch the stiffs and find a joint with 
> a couple of poles enthusiastically graced by America's 
> finest.  

Ok, you got me with this one. :-)

I know just the place. It's an airport stripper
bar in Detroit. When I was commuting to work there
from Santa Fe, it became one of my weekly stops on
the way home, because they had their act so together,
man. The bar was near the airport, and they had an
electronic signboard above the bar listing the 
exact status of all departing flights, so you 
could sit there comfortably and wait for your
flight to be loading, and then they'd provide a
limo for you to the airport. Great concept.

Anyway, there was one woman there whom I got to
know fairly well. Very interesting. She was Dutch,
finishing her Ph.D. at a local university, and she
danced there to supplement her income. Being Dutch,
she had no issues with nudity or sex, and loving
to dance, she found it an interesting way to make
money. She didn't do lap dances or hang out with
the patrons (other than the ones who actually sat
down and *talked* to her, like me); she made all
her money from the tips she got while dancing.

And it's the dancing that was so special. Back in
Amsterdam she studied Tibetan Buddhism for a while,
and that study has a tradition of seers being 
"taken over" by Dakinis as part of an oracular
ritual. Well, this woman actually believed that
from time to time one of these Dakinis would look
down from whatever astral plane she lived in and
feel like dancing for an audience again, and would
"step into her body" and dance "through" her. And
damn! if it didn't feel exactly that way to me,
watching from the bar.

Go figure, eh? A stripper who dances to music she
carefully selects, and takes her clothes off for
money, possibly "channeling" a thousand-year-old
Tibetan goddess figure in the process. What a trip,
eh? Compared to guys wearing gold Burger King 
crowns and long, flowing robes for a million bucks
a pop, I'd have to say that this woman was *far*
more impressive.

It might have all been mood-making and delusion,
sure. But so might the buzz that the Rajas get 
from playing dress-up. Being a Tantric at heart,
I kinda preferred the stripper's act to theirs.

> I think we both already know too much about the pompous 
> bullshittery going on under those golden space caps.  I 
> would much rather spend some time in the Champagne room 
> with a chick with a luxury car's name and a fist full
> of 20s!
> But back to your idea, I imagine we would have to get 
> them into a few rounds of shots before they would look 
> us in the eye and admit, "Yeah man, I'm sorry, I just 
> got carried away with myself and I now look
> like a total tool!"

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