--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "hugheshugo"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > > > Some of you actually *know* some of these
> > > > Rajas. What do you think? Will they stick 
> > > > around after Maharishi is gone? Is their
> > > > allegiance to him personally, or to the
> > > > movement? I'm honestly curious.
> > > > 
> > > > I think most of them will stick around. After 5-10
> > > > years, you may see 25%
> > > > attrition, but most of them are probably lifers.
> > > 
> > > In for a penny, in for a pound. They have so much
> > > psychologically invested in the TMO over so many
> > > decades that reversing course would almost be
> > > impossible.
> > 
> > Thanks for your feedback, Peter (and Rick and Hugo).
> > I honestly didn't know, never having met any of 
> > these particular guys, and was curious.
> > 
> > Just as a followup, should what many of us suspect 
> > will happen happen (that is, major money scandals 
> > emerging after Maharishi's death in which it is 
> > discovered that most of the TMO's wealth has been 
> > embezzled by his relatives in India and is perman-
> > ently missing), do you think they'd stick
> > around for the fallout from *that*, too?
> > 
> > Again, just curious. I'm wondering who is going
> > to be around holding the bag after they discover
> > the bag is empty. Should this happen, will the
> > Rajas stick around and try to put a good face
> > on things, or will they beat feet? In your
> > opinions, of course.
> >
> I'm going to be really interested by what happens when MMY goes. I'm 
> sure there will be revelations gallore from all corners about fraud, 
> impropriety etc. Will the TMO survive? 
> My guess is yes, the scientologists are still going strong after 
> Hubbard died and if you read the biog of him, "the barefaced Messiah" 
> you might be surprised becaused it paints a somewhat less than 
> flattering portrait of the guy. And yet they go from strength to 
> strength, probably as the real die-hard believers won't believe 
> anything malicious.
> And that I think is what will happen to the TMO, I saw enough dubious 
> behaviour to turn me off but when I tell the TB's I know they always 
> just rationalise round it. It also depends on whether they pull 
> together or whether it descends into a massive ego-fest, I like to 
> think the former but you never know, without M to give them 
> instructions and approval they might just run about like a bunch of 
> headless chickens. I'm going be opitimistic and assume they'll do 
> alright, as long as there is enough people left who are remotely 
> interested by then.

The phony house of cards will indeed reveal a lot when it collapses.

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