Jesus Christ may have turned water into wine, but for a group of Australian 
churchgoers the ideal place to worship on a Sunday is a pub.Devoid of a church 
in the docklands entertainment area of Melbourne, a group of Christians have 
created the "Docklands Church" inside the James Squire Brewhouse.
  "Jesus did turn water into wine, he was kind of radical, he was connected 
with his culture, and yet he had a great message for our world," Docklands 
Church minister Guy Mason said after his first service on Sunday.
  Mason told local media that worshippers were offered not only a message from 
the bible but also a meal and tea and coffee, but anyone could have a pint 
before or after the church service. The choice of location was a way of 
modernizing the church, he said.
  "All we want to be is relevant, we want to be applicable and contemporary 
and...we're going to keep the bible open as well," said one parishioner, with a 
beer in his hand.
  Another parishioner said: "I think a lot of people who do want to go out and 
have a drink or go out and have a party often feel that they're excluded from 

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