--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Marek Reavis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey, Curtis, would you mind telling me more about the monkey?  What 
> type, how long did it live with you, what problems, what was its 
> personality, etc.  Having a monkey around the house is an old and 
> long-standing desire of mine that's not quite extinguished and 
> hearing what your experiences were really interests me.
> Thanks,
> Marek

Hey Marek,

I got him basically as a rescue when I was 10 years old.  The person
who gave him to me assured my parents that he would not survive. 
Seven years later a vet we boarded him with put him down without my
permission because he believed it was cruel to have a monkey pet.

Chi Chi was a squirrel monkey, New World, non prehensile tail. 
Adorable tiny finger prints and finger nails. Here is what he looked
like:  http://hoglezoo.org/animal.photos/squirrel.monkey.jpg

He was fiercely protective of me and we had a beautiful communication
through tone.  Some of the notes I hit while bending notes on my harp
were invented communicating with him.  

He asked me if I was in still in charge every day I owned him. 
Because in monkey culture it is considered polite to show your
genitals when meeting someone new, his greeting  for my parent's
fascinated guests was always very shocking as he was the John Holmes
of primates when he displayed.  He always seemed a bit peeved that
they didn't return the favor! He never threw things, but he could
never be trusted not to bite, that is part of how they operate. His
bluff was so intense it could send grown men running out of the room.
 in terror.   

Monkeys are bred in this country for pets which takes away the
extremely cruel way monkeys were imported before about 1975.  That was
a horror show that has been mostly stopped by laws.  The problem that
is not easy to solve is that these are social creatures who would
never be solitary in the wild.  (Orangutans are the only exception I
know of)  So built into ownership is fundamental cruelty IMO. Keeping
them as a couple would make more sense unless you wanted them to be
with you 24/7.  Capuchin monkeys (also New World) make the most
amazing  companions animals for paraplegics. They are still a
manageable size.  By the time you get to Rhesus Monkeys or other
Macaques you are living with a creature with a fearsome bite power.
Monkeys and apes use biting to show displeasure and it is always a

All in all I am fascinated with primates but don't believe they make
good pets.  Their cultures are so dominance driven that with their
hyper intelligence, they will always be untrustworthy with others and
even their owners.  Little marmosets in small groups is one way to
have the best of both worlds maybe.  They look like little gremlins
and don't have all the negatives I mentioned, but they are also less
intelligent and quite hyper. 

I was really lucky to have lived with a monkey for those years, but I
don't know how lucky my monkey was.  For all my love for him I could
never give him the constant companionship he craved and the result was
unintentionally cruel.

But there are people on the Internet talking about raising monkeys
whose experience may be different.  With the resources of an adult you
could keep them more healthy.  Many counties, including the one I live
in, have laws against owning one and they will take them away as just
happened in Maryland recently. http://tinyurl.com/2prgle  She lost her

Thanks for asking so I could remember what a rich part of my heart Chi
Chi was Marek.  Here is a way to get your monkey buzz on:

 The Hanuman Chalisa

sri guru carana saroj raja nija mana mukura sudhar,

varanaun raghuvara vimala yasa, yo dayaka phala chara

"Having cleaned the mirror of my mind with the dust from the lotus
feet of my Guru, I sing the pure glories of Lord Ramachandra, who
bestows the four fruits of life: religion, wealth, pleasure and

buddhina tanu janike sumiraun pavana kumara,

bala buddhi vidya dehu mohin, harau klesa vikara

"As I know I am an ignorant fool, I meditate on the Son of Wind,
Hanuman, and pray him to give me strength, wisdom and knowledge,
purifying me from all defects and bad things."

siyavara ramachandra ki jaya,

pavanasuta hanumana ki jaya,

umapati mahadeva ki jaya

"All glories to Mother Sita, all glories to Lord Ramachandra, all
glories to the Son of the Wind, Hanuman, all glories to Lord Shiva,
consort of Parvati."

jaya hanumana jnana guna sagara, jaya kapisa tihun loka ujagara,

rama duta atulita bala dhama, anjani putra pavana suta nama

"Glory to Hanuman, ocean of knowledge and good qualities. Glory to the
lord of the Vanaras. His fame echoes through the three worlds. Glory
to the divine messenger and servant of Sri Rama! He is known as Pavana
Suta, son of the Wind and Mother Anjana, and his prowess is invincible."

mahavira vikrama bajarangi kumati nivara sumati ke sangi,

kanchana varana viraja suvesa, kanana kundala kunchita kesa

"O Hanuman, you have unlimited courage and strength, you destroy
ignorance and grant wisdom. Your complexion is golden, your hair is
curly and you wear ear-rings."

hatha bajur aru dhvaja virajai, kandhe munja janeu sajai,

sankara suvana kesari nandana, tej pratapa maha jaga vandana

"In one hand you hold the divine Vajra weapon, in the other you have
the flag with your emblem. Your shoulder is decorated with the holy
thread. You are the son of Lord Shiva and Mother Keshari. Your great
prowess is famous all over the world."

vidyavan guni ati chatur, rama kaja karive ko atur,

prabhu charitra sunive ko rasiya, rama lakshmana sita mana basiya

"You have the greatest wealth of divine knowledge. You are virtuous
and intelligent, always ready to serve Lord Rama, and your greatest
pleasure is listening to His glories. Rama, Laksmana and Sita always
reside in your heart."

suksma rupa dhari siyahin dikhava, vikata rupa dhari lanka jarava,

bhima rupa dhari asura sanhare, ramachandra ke kaja sanvare

"You appeared before Sita in a very small form, but you burned Lanka
with a terrifying form and a killed the demons with a gigantic form.
In this way you always serve Lord Rama."

lae sanjivana lakhan jiyaye sri raghuvira harshi ura laye,

raghupati kinhi bahuta badai, tum mama priya bharatai sama bhai

"You brought the medicinal herb to revive Lakshmana, and overcome with
joy Rama embraced you and glorified you, saying that He loves you as
much as He loves His own brother Bharata."

sahasa vadana tumharo yasa gaven, asa kahi sripati kantha lagaven,

sanakadika brahmadi munisa narada sarada sahita ahisa

"Sesanaga with his thousands mouths is singing your glories: with
these words, Rama embraced you. Even the Kumaras, Narada, Sarasvati
cannot complete describe your glories."

yama kuvera digapala jahante kavi kovida kahi saken kahante,

tuma upakara sugrivahin kinha rama milaya raja pada dinha

"Even Yama, Kuvera, the lords of the directions, poets and sages are
incapable of fully describing your glories. You introduced Rama to
Sugriva, causing him to become the king of the Vanaras."

tumharo mantra vibhisana mana lankesvara bhae saba jaga jana,

yuga sahasra yojana para bhanu, lilyo tahi madhura phala janun

"By following your advice, Vibhisana became the king of Lanka:
everyone knows this. You grabbed the sun, millions of kilometers away
in the sky, taking it for a ripe fruit."

prabhu mudrika meli mukha mahin jaldi landi gaye acaraja nahin,

durgama kaja jagata ke jete, sugama anugraha tumhare te te

"You crossed the ocean keeping Rama's ring in your mouth as a token
for Sita. You could perform such a miraculous task because with your
grace even impossible tasks become possible and even easy."

rama duare tuma rakhavere hot na ajna vinu paisare,

saba sukha lahai tumhari sarana, tuma raksaka kahu ko darana

"You always guard the door of Sri Rama, and without your permission no
one can enter. By taking shelter in you, all the joys of life are
obtained, and one under your protection has nothing to fear."

apana teja samharo ape tinon loka hankate kanpe,

bhuta pisacha nikata nahin ave, mahavira japa nama sunave

"Your radiance is supreme, and the three worlds tremble when you move.
You are the supreme brahmachari, conserving your energy. By repeating
the name of Hanuman, all the ghosts and demons are chased away."

nashai roga harai saba pira, japata nirantara hanumata vira,

sankata se hanumana churavai, mana rama vachana dhyana jo lavai

"All diseases and sufferings are destroyed by the constant repetition
of the name of Hanuman. One who meditates on him with his mind, heart
and activities is saved from all difficulties."

saba para rama tapasvi raja tina ke kaja sakala tuma saja,

aur manoratha jo koi lavai soy amita jivana phala pavain

"Rama is the Lord of yoga, and all your actions are dedicated to Him.
By your grace, all desires are granted."

charon yuga paratapa tumhara, hai parasiddhi jagata uyjiara,

sadhu santa ke tum rakhavare, asura nikandana rama dulare

"In all times, you are famous for your prowess and talents, your
glories are spread all over the universe. You protect the devotees and
the sages, you destroy the demons, and you are Rama's beloved."

asta siddhi nava nidhi ke data, asa vara dina janaki mata,

rama rasayana tumhare pasa, sada raho raghupati ke dasa

"Mother Sita blessed you with the power to grant the eight spiritual
perfections and the nine material prosperities, and Sri Rama gave you
the power to heal. You are always His humble servant."

tumhare bhajana rama ko pavai janma janma ke dukha visravai,

anta kale raghupati pura jay, jahan janmen hari bhakta kahai

"By meditating on you, one reaches Lord Rama, and eliminates the
sufferings of many lifetimes. After death, your devotee will reach the
abode of Rama, where he will always be a devotee of the Lord."

aur devata chitta na dharai, hanumata sei sarva sukha karai,

sankata harai mitai saba pira, jo sumire hanumata balavira

"The other Devas do not care for the sufferings of the human beings:
only Hanuman is the source of all joys, and by remembering him all
sufferings disappear."

jaya jaya jaya hanumana gosain, kripa karau gurudeva ki nain,

yah satavara patha kara jaya chhutahin band maha sukha hoy

"Victory and glory to lord Hanuman! O divine Guru, bless us with your
grace. By repeating this mantra one hundred times, one is liberated by
all problems and obtains unlimited happiness."

jo yaha parhai hanumana chalisa haya siddhi sakhi gaurisha,

tulasidasa sada harichera kije natha hridaya mahana dera

"One who repeats this song with the glories of lord Hanuman obtains
all the spiritual perfections. Tulasidasa, the eternal servant of the
Lord, gives this promise in the name of Mahadeva, the lord of Gauri. O
lord, may you always reside in my heart."

pavanatanaya sankata harana mangala murti rupa,

rama laskmana sita sahita hridaya basahu sura bhupa

"O Son of the Wind, you destroy all difficulties. Your form is all
auspicious, and you always reside in my heart together with Rama,
Laksmana and Sita."

siyavara ramachandra ki jaya,

pavana suta hanumana ki jaya,

umapati mahadeva ki jaya

"Glories to Sita Rama, glories to lord Hanuman, son of the wind, and
glory to Shiva Mahadeva, husband of Uma!"


horizontal rule

Om Sri Hanumate Namah
Yatra yatra raghunatha kirtanam;
Tatra tatra kritha masthakanjalim;
Bhaspavaari paripurna lochanam;
Maarutim namata raakshasanthakam
MEANING: "We bow to Maruti, Sri Hanuman, who stands with his palms
folded above his forehead, with a torrent of tears flowing down his
eyes wherever the Names of Lord Rama are sung".

[These prayers are available at www.stephen-knapp.com]


> **
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > Isn't the checking point "Don't make an issue of the draining
> > influence of animal"?  Very clever way to make an issue of it for
> > teachers.
> > 
> > I think the problem you are talking about is that using cows as lawn
> > mowers is not efficient.  They are not pets but are livestock.  The
> > only way it makes sense to go through what farmers do is to eat or
> > sell them eventually.  This is like a city person's weird fantasy. 
> > I'll bet the guy would be ahead on energy if he used a non electric
> > lawnmower and still be all Vedic up in the hizzi.
> > 
> > When it comes to pets each one has a cost, time, hassle, to benefit
> > ratio.  I have owned a monkey, high hassle but high reward, dogs, 
> high
> > hassle if you don't live in the country but hight reward, ferrets,
> > charming little elves but stinky, birds, too much mess but high
> > interactive intelligence and affection, and finally my favorite and
> > the winner of the cost hassle reward ratio: cats.  The love and
> > affection they provide for the tiny amount of work it takes (I even
> > have a robot litter box) makes them the ultimate pet for me.
> > 
> > As a life long animal lover, I always thought that MMY's animal
> > aversion was more personal than yogic.  I doubt Donald Trump takes a
> > lot of time with pets either.  Just not touchy-feely types.  But
> > living with critters is good for your health and fills your life 
> with
> > love.  My life would be diminished without them.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, MDixon6569@ wrote:
> > >
> > > Does anybody know of M's views on keeping pets? I've heard him say
> > that  they 
> > > are a drain. I always thought he meant of some kind of spiritual
> > energy,  but 
> > > I'm beginning to believe he actually meant a drain of resources 
> and
> > time,  
> > > being a distraction from program.< I heard a story about a yogi 
> that
> > lived in  a 
> > > hut in the forest doing his program and he only had two 
> possessions,
> > a couple 
> > >  of loin cloths. One to wear , one to wash and dry for the next 
> day.
> > A rat 
> > > used  to disturb him in meditation by scratching the cloth hanging
> > to dry so he 
> > > got a  cat to chase away the rat, then he needed a cow to have 
> milk
> > to feed 
> > > the cat.  Then he had to raise grain to feed the cow. Before long
> > the yogi was 
> > > tending a  farm in order to not be distracted in meditation from 
> the
> > rat but 
> > > there was no  time for meditation because of all the duties of the
> > farm. In 
> > > short , the busy  businessman story. The reason I'm asking this 
> is,
> > this story is 
> > > being manifested  on TMO property as we speak. A care taker has 
> been
> > ordered 
> > > to build a fence to  keep some calves who are supposed to be lawn
> > mowers, so to 
> > > speak. The care taker  is going to end up rising at 4 or 5 in the
> > morning to 
> > > bottle feed the calves and  tend to their needs during the day so 
> he
> > won't 
> > > have to mow the grass (this was  not his idea). I've tried to 
> lobby
> > against this 
> > > venture without success as being  *off the program* and also a
> > liability to 
> > > the TMO. Poor fencing means cattle  escaping and wondering off,
> > perhaps on to 
> > > roads, causing accidents. The  calves will be steers and serve no
> > other purpose 
> > > than to eat grass and be pets.  Any comments are welcome.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ************************************** See what's new at
> > http://www.aol.com
> > >
> >

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