How does hyoid bone vibration invalidate origin and intention in the heart 

hugheshugo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               --- In, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > --- In, "Alex Stanley" 
 > <j_alexander_stanley@> wrote:
 > >
 > > --- In, Angela Mailander
 > > <mailander111@> wrote:
 > > >
 > > > I have heard that pets are not supposed to be in the same room
 > > > while you meditate because they are "prana thieves."  I think
 > > > this got extended by diligent Rus to include not having any pets
 > > > anywhere.  
 > >  
 > > I think meditating with a beloved pet is a sublime experience.
 > > In my online research into Adi Da, I came across the 
 > > appellation "Heart Master Da". And, while I don't find much heart
 > > value in what I've read about Adi Da and Daism, I have bestowed 
 > > upon all our kitties the title "Heart Master".
 > > 
 > > Heart Master Carrie
 > > Heart Master Coco
 > > Heart Master Billie
 > > Heart Master Vinnie
 > Apparently, nobody quite knows how cats make their
 > purring sound. A friend of mine had a simple answer:
 > It's the vibration of their heart chakra.
 Nice idea so apologies for getting all clinical, but it's made by 
 rapid movement of the hyoid bone in the throat.
 Also, it's the permanent fixture or otherwise of this bone that makes 
 the difference between the Big cats ie; lions tigers. And the Small 
 cats ie; lynx and domestic moggies. The Big cats can roar the small 
 ones can't.
 Interestingly (to me anyway) the puma or cougar is technically a 
 small cat because it has a fixed hyoid and therefore can't roar.

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