
What a cheap fucking shot. 
What a cheap fucking shot.

It's worth a post of mine to call you to accounts for this arbitrary

For you to put down the sport of trikking that has upped the health of
hundreds of thousands of owners of Trikkes is sheer fucking meanness
and equal to Anne Coulter using the word "faggot" in the same sentence
as "John Edwards."  

Get that?  You're here in a spiritual community being a cowardly
pissant trying to toss a tomato from the back of a crowd and hoping to
get away with it.

You're swiftboating a sport in order to make me out the fool here,
and, not incidentally, you've besmirched homosexuality in an era of
political correctitude, and thus shown yourself to be homophobic --
which, to professionals, is a massive tell of your own denying of
dissonant, inner, latent, gender-identification issues.  (You're
queer, adjust to it, grab a man, and be happier.)

As if you could make a fool of me here.  I do that well enough thank
you, and the community is hardly improved by the emotion you're
showing yourself to indulge in when you create such barbs from what
can only be assumed to be a corrosive sickness in your deepest psyche.

It's low, it's crude, it's a horrid dynamic of your psychology, and it
just must be fucking up your life left and right for you to come out
of nowhere and simply attack for attack's sake.  Do you really think
that the emotion you felt driving your producing such a foul spitwad
is going to be extinguished by this one shitheel manifestation?

Ha!  It's an all-time reality for you, Dude, and the finger you just
pointed at me is accompanied by the other three fingers of your hand
pointing at you.  I too have a finger pointed at you -- guess which one.

Poor poor you.  Holy shit, what a skewing of your mind and what a
havoc your life must be to struggle with such a burden.  I'd feel
sorry for you, but you simply don't deserve it.

And the funny thing is, is that I'm not defending Trikkes right now,
but I am defending the community here from the travail of watching an
asshole's incompetency being unresisted and allowed to pass for

You are a psychological criminal -- your willingness to be a
conceptual rapist just oozes in all your posts.  

The only thing that could change my mind about you now is if someone
tells me you're under 30 years of age.  Then, it's just a case of
juvenile rascality trying to pull a chain just because you can, but
I'm thinking most likely you're aura is filled with red streaks, your
mind with angst, and your mouth with bile.  Your daily fare.  Ugh.

I trikke everyday in front of many people, and all I get is sincere
questions, statements of approval and awe, and genuine entertainment
from merely seeing this human-powered use of the conservation of
angular momentum law.

At least I'm being refreshingly new when I'm hurling the puke, but
your attempts are laughably immature in addition to being bereft of
any creativity.

Look, at least try to come up to my standards when you try to flame.

Here's the height of the bar.  See if you can do as well as the below
when you next attack.

"Edg, you creepazoid monster of pride, you putrid pus bag of ego, you
evil minion of narcissism -- only trikking could have made you appear
more twisted and bizarre.  Mission accomplished."

See?  Now that's flaming, you sniveling prick.

And may I just add:  fuck you with a fire hydrant while you're being

Ah, I feel lighter, holier, victorious!


--- In, "Alex Stanley"
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > At least we now have the answer to the age old question: "Is there
> > anything on earth gayer than a Cher concert."
> At the risk of raising explosive ire, my first thought upon seeing one
> of those Trikke videos was "that is so gay, even *I'd* be embarrassed
> to be seen riding on one."

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