--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> > In my view, in spite of the claims you make about yourselves, you and
> > Jim certainly do not. You both come off as flippant smart asses,
> > particularly it seems when you're criticized.

> The only time you criticize me is when I cannot resolve a paradox for 
> you. 

You continue to not resolve, continue to hide from, the paradox that
you claim to have Perfect Crystal-Like, Radiant Intellect, but you
continue to exhibit weak reasoning, cognitive errors, platitudes given
as wisdom, immature and uninformed political analysis, projective 
personality analysis of others, and other such contradictions of
having a Perfect Intellect ....

Perhaps you are of the school that believes all paradoxes are good,
they are Brahman, and thus saying saying silly paradoxes is a sign of
great enlightenment. I don't know. If you do, then add it to the list

At a minimum, you continue to hide from addressing the massive paradox
above. And as you have done with Do.Flex, you attempt, in silly
fashion, to turn the question into some flaw in him. 

All of my posts to you in recent days, have been attempts to have you
address this paradox (as stated in first paragraph). Your refusal to
do so, your skirting of the issue, your blaming others for,
apparently, even asking the question, tells volume about your
integrity and the "attractiveness" of what ever altered state you are in.

And its interesting that you take such comments personally, acting
out, getting angry (per a number of posts yesterday), etc. Perhaps if
your repeat the following, the mood will return for a while and all
will be Perfect.

1) Everything is Perfect just as it is.

2) I Love what IS

3) All is Brahman

4) All is Love

5) Anger is born or Rajo-guna and is all destructive.

6) I DO have Perfect Intelligence, I DO, I DO, I REALLY DO, GD IT!

7) I have mastered the siddhis, like Compassion. 

Repeat it 20 times. If all seems blissy, then you can continue your
activity, But when the confusion, anger and urge to paradox arises
again, close the eyes, and repeat the above again 20 times. Until the
mood resumes.
> So then you get angry and accuse me of all sorts of things, 

I don't see Do.Flex or anyone else getting angry Jim. Except you.
Perhaps some become incredulous at times at your refusal to address
the only question posed to you, the paradox in first paragraph. And
your continued behavior -- a wide chasm apart from your proclaimed
attainments of Perfect Intellect. That you project your anger on to
others - well add that to the list above.

> when it is Reality itself that "deserves" your criticism. 

Oh, this is precious. I think we should frame it. Its apparently not
"Jim" who is skirting the issue, refusing and avoiding to address the
huge Perfect Intellect paradox, its REALITY. And who can argue with

Actually Jim, if you had a ounce of integrity, and perhaps any
semblance of balls, you would simply say something along the lines of, 

"Hey, you know when I made that statement about Perfect Intellect --
well, it was a bit of an exaggeration. I just felt so good and clear
at that moment, thats what it felt like to me. So I said it. In
retrospect, hey, it was a silly thing to do. I have reread my posts,
and reflected on my statements here and in life, and Jeeez, what was I
thinking!!? Perfect Intellect??! Wow. More like perfect fool for that
moment. So thanks guys for busting my chops a bit, taking their out of
my puffery. I, as you well can see, do not have a Perfect, Radiant

But, let me guess, thats not going to happen.

Ah what a wonderful paradox of Reality.

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