(Angela wrote:)  As I said in another post, all laws of form are 
infinite.  The 
> fact that I seem to be "located" in Angela in Ff in 2007 is a 
> persistent illusion, which is loosening its grip as I live, so that I 
> do feel the reality of other lives and get glimpses of being Hitler 
> or Guru Dev or some cow grazing contentedly on a hilltop. And there 
> are lives on other planets and in other dimensions that are 
> accessible---I think Rory might agree to that. a   

"Rory Goff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Udderly :-)

I spent a good bit of last night thinking about this post, Angela. 

Some of my most profoundly moving and awakening experiences have 
occurred after reminding myself of the illusion of spacetime, and that 
it is all here now, followed by encounters with some of our "space-

Not too long ago, for example, after remembering that my body contains 
all the stars, my attention was drawn to one in particular, and so I 
went there. Because the stars are all in my body, I knew the world 
seemed a little "troubled" but that I could go there in "Authority", as 
an ambassador or emissary of the will of my Love. As I shrank in size 
or narrowed my awareness to approach a planet, it showed up startlingly 
bright, mottled turquoise and russet -- less water than ours, smaller 
oceans and more evenly distributed. I realized this was a "real" or 
physical world, even to our ordinary sight, and asked its Earth-name so 
I could research it later. It said, "Ras...Tanni". That didn't sound 
familiar, but I made a mental note. 

To my slight surprise I was drawn to an actual building; it was a 
pyramid of huge stones rather loosely fitted. I dropped through the top 
into a chamber inside, where two biped beings stood. They were pale, 
tall, and shining slightly and it was a little difficult to see 
phsyical detail, but they looked vaguely saurian, reptilian. I greeted 
them slightly cautiously but in wholehearted Love-Will and showed them 
my concern that their system align itself with the greater good in my 
star-body. They readily and respectfully agreed.

This was rather a profound shift for me. After I returned to and 
refocused on my "default" setting here, I went to the star dictionary 
and found to my suprise there *was* something like Ras...Tanni. Ras al-
Tanni is a star in the Draco (Dragon) system, some say alpha Draconis, 
which I seemed to remember was a star some of the Egyptian pyramids 
were oriented to.

I further noticed that after my encounter with the Saurians or Dracos, 
my DNA had further shifted, and still another old fear-program had 

This is but one of the latest of a number of "enlightening" and heart-
breakingly fulfilling encounters with various of our multidimensional 
cousins, all particles of our Self.

Now, what your post brought up in me, Angela, is this question: I have 
often vaguely wondered -- given how immensely fulfilling this all is, 
why don't I do this on a more frequent basis? I know that I could if I 
wanted to, but I simply don't want to. 

This is one of the oddest things I've noticed about "life after death" -
- how progressively more difficult it is to summon desire, even for 
things that are at the time riproaringly fun and heartbreakingly 

As I write this, I realize this may be what some seers have meant when 
they've said it is difficult to progress as rapidly through the subtler 
realms after death, as one just becomes too content with where one is 
to keep moving. 

Oddly, my "higher selves" said something similar immediately 
upon "dying" -- they conveyed that I was completely free (this much was 
obvious and self-evident), but was actually half done (also pretty 
evident), had balanced 50% of my karma, and would no longer be required 
to incarnate on earth (putting the concepts in crude terms the remnants 
of my linear mind could get, I now see)--but that I would continue to 
die and be reborn on subtler and subtler planes as more and more of my 
karma was resolved. They said I was free to go ahead and do that now, 
if I wished, but if I physically stayed on earth, my progress through 
these planes would be much faster. Of course, I "chose" to stay. There 
really was no choice, as was clear enough even then :-)

I do know immediately after "dying" I felt immensely grateful to be 
shown that there was more than the all-the-same-ness of ALL-That-Is; 
there was always a tiny bliss-point of desire-now somewhere in the body 
which showed where there was more to be attended to.  

It's kind of funny, now that I think of it: the word "desire" comes 
from the Latin, something like "de-sidere", of the stars (as can also 
be seen in our term, "sidereal"). 

Wow. Just now, for the first time, I *fully get* that etymology! A star 
is a bliss-point of my desire....

HA! :-)

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