(Institute of Noetic Sciences)

JH: Intention is, I would say, a localized beam of consciousness. 
Consciousness in its nature is unbounded, all pervasive, universal, 
pure being, pure subjectivity, pure self aware consciousness without 
an object. And that intention free, or even, object free 
consciousness is the simplest most fundamental state of human 
awareness, now considered to be a fourth major state of human 
consciousness, the meditative state, very distinct from normal waking 
attentive consciousness. As distinct from sleeping, dreaming, 
hypnosis, anything else that's ever been studied, it even has its own 
brainwave signature. So consciousness is by nature a vast unbounded 
reality, but when we focus the intention through our senses, for 
example, to a particular object or a particular thought or a 
particular intention, that's a localization of this non-local field 
of consciousness, a localized beam of consciousness, another analogy 
would be like a wave rising up on an unbounded ocean. So that's an 
intention, intention is directed consciousness, I think you could 
say, and that's how we pretty much all understand it anyway.

BB: Yes.  So given that definition of intention, it would seem that, 
and also based on the conversation with some of your colleagues that 
was published in Shift magazine, in a way as the Assembly is 
practicing it, is not specifically focused in this way on a 
particular intention, but rather opening up to the all pervading 
consciousness, so in a sense there isn't a specific intention, is 

JH: That's exactly right.  It's good to think of intention sort of a 
localized beam of consciousness can be very weak or very strong, just 
like you can have a flashlight with very weak on batteries and the 
lens, even though it's a focused beam it's a very dim beam, and what 
we're really doing in the meditative state, we're turning off the 
beam, if you wish, letting consciousness expand to become global, 
universal and in the process of expanding consciousness it's like 
you've got new batteries now, if the intensity of the light is 
increased, now  whatever you put your attention on afterwards is 
going to be more effective, more fruitful. Another way of 
understanding this is that intention can be very strong, the bible 
says, for example, through faith we can move mountains. It can also 
be extremely feeble and frankly often is. You can put some 
heavyweights together at a breakfast table, let's take your favorite 
consciousness relative heavyweights that you find running around the 
country today and you can ask this small group to move a speck of 
toast across the table and they typically can't do it.  But why is 
that? These are not weak people, it's just that they're going about 
it wrong, in the sense that the deeper levels of mind, the more 
powerful intention becomes, and it's exactly for the very same 
reason, it's the quantum uncertainty principle.  

The quantum uncertainty principle is the principle of increasing 
power at deeper levels, at fundamental scales. The reason that 
nuclear power is a million times more powerful than burning an 
object, chemical energy, because chemical energy involves molecular 
manipulation and nuclear power involves manipulation of the nuclear 
structure, which is a million times smaller than the molecule, a 
million times more fundamental, and therefore, according to the 
uncertainty principle, a million times more powerful. Literally the 
power of thought varies by factors of millions, between people and 
even for a given subject, depending on whether that subject is using 
the mind at a stressed and agitated state of consciousness, 
superficial level of consciousness, or whether they're using the mind 
at a very expanded, very deep level of consciousness, that's where, 
that's the nuclear level of thought, almost the Unified Field level 
of thought, which is pure, unbounded being, and on the course the 
reason we're spending time in meditation, not necessarily thinking 
about peace, is because it's taking the mind deep down into there, 
the maximally expanded state of comprehension, universal 
comprehension, field of being, that's where thought is much more 
powerful. So it is really, in a sense, an exercise in intention,  but 
it is intention that is entertained at the deepest, most expanded, 
most powerful level of consciousness, and that's why a couple 
thousand people, which is what we've got, can literally change the 
trends in an entire country, as big as the United States. 

BB: John if you could summarize that, let's kind of go back to the 
top, if the conventional notion of the power of intention is that if 
we focus on a particular image, or idea, of something that one wants 
or something that one is praying for or visualizing  to come into 
being is not going to be all that powerful because it's at a 
superficial level of consciousness, right, I think you'd say…

JH: It is right, it's a question of skill and desiring. There's a 
technique in desiring, to desire at a very deep level. In the sense 
of prayer, you can go to a church where, you know, basically everyone 
is jumping around in the aisles, screaming out the name of God, that 
will provide a very excited level of mind, that'll provide some 
emotional upliftment for sure, or you can settle quietly and feel 
God's presence, and that will provide a practically more pervasive, 
subtle, but more powerful  influence within the whole body, a healing 
influence in the whole body. Or you can identify with God, on the 
level of being on the level of cosmic awareness, His awareness or Her 
awareness, if you wish, where the separation is zero, and where 
thoughts are cosmically powerful, so intention can accomplish, it's 
just a skill in desiring, that's all, and the meditative training 
that we're involved with here is learning how to desire at a deep 
enough level such that the fulfillment of desire comes quickly, and 
where relatively few people can produce a really global effect.


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