Namaste Guruji and all,
Namaste and Beauty FILLED evening,
> *Guruji, I wanted to thank you for your responses to my most recent
> posts. 

S The satsang videos are a wonderful blessing for all.

*Also, I have had two other questions that keep coming up all
> the time. I think I have addressed them on this forum before and 
> were touched on, but the questions are still poking at me.

S Okay.
>* 1.) Do you and the other realized beings here ever worry that you
> might try to rebuild an ego? Or are you so firm in your nature 
> this is an impossibility?

S For this one there is still some settling of kundalini energy 
taking place - some residual imagery and movement. It is more like 
a playing out versus a getting caught up in and the vast expanse 
remains always, the empty fullness and beauty of the heart - the 
stillness deepens and settles over time. It is like ripples on the 
surface when the breeze kicks up and settles down again into pure 
awareness - there is no sense of concern about losing 
anything...only a deepening and settling.

> *2.) Also, what do you think will happen to "your" perception of 
> world when your body dies? Do you think that your perception might
> attach to another baby's body or another creature's body and begin 
> live through the perspective of that particular form and possibly
> rebuild an ego? 

S This feeling of "MY" perception and "YOUR" perception comes to 
those that are falsely identified with form and an individualized 
view point. To the realized being, this is not the case at 
all...there is nothing separate, only the vast expanse of pure 
awareness in which all forms rest in and are nurtured by. The body 
lives within this awareness and not the other way around - so then, 
there is nothing for pure consciousness to attach to. It is like 
air, pure space...completely free and in no way dependent on form. 
When there are no identifications and attachments, these worries do 
not come. 

* In other words, when your body dies, whose eyes will
> you see out of? 

S There are no eyes to see out of - the universal self shines on 
all that is is the light of the heart that has nothing to 
do with the physical. Pure consciousness is unborn, existing always 
as beauty and light and all is radiant within it's glow. All eyes 
glow with this beauty- there is nothing left out, yet this light 
transcends all as well. It is difficult to understand if one sees 
the self as a single body only....yet dear Amy, this light exists 
within you as truth and is the very same light.

*I realize there is no "you" but there is a
> one-person perception taking place through the eyes of "your"
> particular form. 

S Pure awareness has nothing to do with form or the physical eyes - 
one sees truly when this false notion of "I am someBODY that sees 
someTHING" vanishes. Once this knot of attachment is cut, pure 
awareness shines like the sun - shining on all, but not being 
anything in particular...only pure illumination - all visible within 
this glow.

* This is occurring as opposed to your perception 
> seeing the entire universe at one time, correct? This is 
confusing to
> me. Or could it be that the idea of perception is
> perceive there must be two? Maybe this is where I am getting it
> wrong. Very confused here... 

S Knowledge comes with the experience - One (hahahahahaha so funny 
to say one - how could it be otherwise) starts out with the sense of 
two which is more like a witness state - there is a "ME" observing 
something... with surrender, samadhi experience blooms and the sense 
of Oneness is experienced, a "ME" merging with something and a 
feeling of no distance in between....then there is the final blow 
out of 0 ...blowing out all sense of a separate identity and only 
pure awareness or the unconditioned mind remains...not two, not two. 
So keep going - these insights and questions come along the way. 

>* I wasn't exactly sure what I was asking so it was long. Dissect 
> anyway you like. 

S Hahahahahahhaha it is okay, the questions are coming as your 
experiences are deepening. 
> Thank you,
> Amy

Continue forward
and enjoy the blossoming 

Om Shanti,

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