--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "do.rflex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "george_deforest"
> <george.deforest@> wrote:
> >
> > I said, "I know I am being opposed. 
> > 
> > I am prepared to take and swallow and digest 
> > ninety-nine people opposing as long as I have 
> > one person to follow me." 
> > 
> > The formula was in terms of one in one hundred. 
> > 
> > In San Francisco, the formula came: 
> > for whatever reason they come, I should not reject them. 
> > In England, the formula came: in whatever way they oppose me, 
> > I should not deter. I remain firm. 
> > 
> > One in one hundred, one in one hundred. 
> > 
> > And I was repeating that I am prepared 
> > to have 99 oppositions, as long as there is 
> > one word through him that we will rise up to the goal. 
> > 
> > source:
> > http://globalgoodnews.com/world-peace-a.html?art=11955008971054584
> ===
> "I know I am being opposed. I am prepared to take and swallow and
> digest ninety-nine people opposing as long as I have one person to
> follow me."
> Absolute Being?  Maharishi doesn't sound here like a man who's fully
> confident in his position. He sounds like a guy who's arrogant,
> combative, defensive and vulnerable.

When we were getting our sidhis on the Invincibility for Israel course 
1978-1979, I found 
this passage:

You will chase and destroy your enemies, 8even if there are only five of you 
and a hundred 
of them, or only a hundred of you and ten thousand of them.  Leviticus 26:8

Maharishi works five times more efficiently...no surprise. It's not arrogance, 
he just is 
making a statement of who he is. That tends to bring out irritation in people 
that can't 
handle it. Look what happened with Raja Emmanuel the other day. (And note the 
significance of his name, "God is with us."



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