Too much silliness here not to make fun of. My 
apologies in advance to the True Believers.

--- In, "hugheshugo"
> --- In, "hugheshugo" 
> <richardhughes103@> wrote:
> >
> > Maharishi announced his retiremnet from running the movement 
> > on the channel a few days ago.
> This has just been forwarded to me;
> 1. The Rajas, under Maharishi's guidance, have made a resolution 
> today to enable that half the world is invincible by Christmas. 

It's now official. Not only do Maharishi and the Rajas
still believe in Santa Claus, they're convinced that
they ARE Santa Claus.  :-)

> 2. 22 November 2007 – Maharishi's broadcast:
> Having done complete justice to the teachings of his spiritual 
> Master, Shri Guru Dev, for over fifty years, which has changed 
> the destiny of the human race and secured invincibility for 
> every nation, Maharishi inaugurates Administration through 
> Silence, which he has defined as-'the most ideal adorable 
> system of administration which is spontaneously and all the 
> time conducted through the innumerable values of creativity 
> on the level of Veda.' 

One of the inherent problems with claiming that one
is doing nothing and accomplishing everything, and
at the same time asking for hefty donations from 
people and governments, is that the people you're 
begging from might catch on to the fact that you 
want them to pay you for doing nothing.

> In an historic address on 22 November, MERU, Holland, Maharishi 
> disclosed to the First European Parliament of National Leaders 
> of the Global Country of World Peace...

It is worth noting that this is a 'Parliament' for
a country that does not exist.

> ...that the supreme goals of his 
> Spiritual Regeneration Movement are fulfilled. 

"His" Spiritual Regeneration Movement? I beg your
pardon. Wasn't Guru Dev the guy who told Maharishi 
to go meditate in a cave and who never once suggested 
that he was qualified to teach? But now it's "his" 
movement because Maharishi sez so? Yeah, right.

> 'You are 192 Super(powers). When we say 'Super', then the 
> whole thing becomes unified. 

Let's ALL say it. "Super." "Super." "Super." Yup, I 
sure feel more unified now.  :-)

Interestingly, this seems to be the end point of 
a lifetime indulging in "magical thinking," and 
believing in the magical power of mantras. If you 
believe that some Sanskrit words have magical power, 
sooner or later you start to imagine that any word 
you choose to believe has magical power really
does have magical power.

> No more 192 countries, but one Global Country 
> administered by Total Administrative power, and Total Administrative 
> Power is in two sections-Total Knowledge and Total Activity. Gyan 
> Shakti, Kriya Shakti. 

More magical words. I'm feeling more unified by
the minute.  :-)

> 'So, what I am feeling just now, with the opinion of all 
> the Europe rising to Invincibility, that Kriya Shakti has 
> started to show its performance. Kriya Shakti divided in 
> 192 sections, has worked out its own unification. United 
> Nations for the world. But in actuality, it was still 
> disunited. Now, somehow, somehow, the Gyan Shakti is awake. 
> And Gyan Shakti waking up is, Kriya Shakti woken up. Gyan 
> Shakti, Kriya Shakti. 

"If I say these magical words enough times, magical 
things will happen. Just wait till you see what I
can do with the handful of beans I traded the cow for."  :-)

. . .

> 'I have not yet spelled out in complete clarity, from A to Z, 
> the flow of the Veda in terms of the flow of 8 Prakritis. 

Dude, I hate to break the news to you, but you have 
not yet spelled out in complete clarity how a bunch
of people playing dress-up and talking about imaginary
countries and imaginary "invincibility" has anything 
to do with *reality*, much less "the Veda."

I *understand* that living in this fantasy world gives
you pleasure, and that you've convinced enough easy
marks that this fantasy is real that they give you 
millions of dollars to perpetuate it and allow them
to play dress-up. But just as feedback, here's a short
letter from one of your former teachers that you'll
never read because even if I sent it to you, your 
handlers would never let you read it:

Dear Maharishi,

You don't have a "country."

You don't have a "Parliament."

Calling real-life countries "invincible" doesn't make 
them invincible.

Calling twits wearing robes and crowns "Super" doesn't
make them super. Or even less laughable.

Silly costumes and absurd pronouncements do not impress
99% of people on this planet. They see them as what they
are -- silly costumes and absurd pronouncements.

Your contribution to this planet was synthesizing an
easily-learned form of meditation from existing sources
and marketing it such that it became popular. And then
you pissed that all away with silliness like the above.

I understand that you're pondering your own death and
trying to pontificate about all the things you accom-
plished while alive, but you're not really in charge
of either how the world judges you or how karma judges
you. Both are based solely on your actions. What you
say about those actions has nothing to do with it.



P.S. We've heard this "retirement speech" before. You
didn't "retire" and relinquish control then, and you
won't now. It's just more speechifying and preaching
to the converted.

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