Go Figure
Trying to Guess What Happens Next

Published: November 25, 2007 NYT

YOU need not be a Wall Street chieftain to feel the anxiety that has
wrapped its arms around the American economy. The stock market seems
locked in a downward spiral as one bank after another suffers its day 

How bad could things get? Pretty bad, say many economists. Not so bad
that your grandfather's prescriptions for enduring the Great
Depression need dusting off, but nasty enough to force many Americans
to get reacquainted with living within their means. That could make
life uncomfortable. It may also be an unavoidable step toward purging
the United States and the global economy of a major source of
instability — an unhealthy dependence on the willingness of American
consumers to keep buying even as debt mounts. Concerns that Americans
must eventually grow thrifty, leaving factories from Guangzhou to
Guatemala City scrambling for buyers, now sows unease around the world.

It is worth bearing in mind that the American economy has a history of
unexpected resilience in the face of supposedly grim prospects.
Moreover, some parts of the economy are enjoying good times, notably
farmers able to cash in on the making of ethanol. That said, most
economists think the American economy is headed for a significant
slowdown, as housing prices keep falling, consumers grow tight, and
businesses cut investments.

The Federal Reserve last week said it expected the economy to grow 1.6
percent to 2.6 percent next year, a stark contrast from the 3.9
percent rate registered in the most recent quarter. Some see signs of
a worst-case scenario — a severe recession that would feature a
plummeting stock market, a lower dollar and the loss of many jobs.
That would make for an unpleasant year or two for Americans from most
walks of life. It would probably drag down the world economy, as
Americans put off purchases of everything from computers made in China
to Italian-produced sports cars.

The most bearish indulge frighteningly gloomy tones. "The evidence is
now building that an ugly recession is inevitable," declared Nouriel
Roubini, an economist who was among the first to warn of the dangers
of a real estate downturn, writing last week on his blog, the Global
EconoMonitor. "When the United States sneezes the rest of the world
gets the cold. And since the United States will not just sneeze, but
is risking a serious case of protracted and severe pneumonia, the rest
of the world should start to worry about a serious viral contagion."

Most economists are not so pessimistic. The most likely outcome
envisioned by many is a slowdown or a mild recession. That would
increase unemployment somewhat, and it would keep the stock market in
the doldrums, but it would probably not be severe enough to
significantly crimp economies abroad. And while it would impose pain,
some see in this more moderate path a way to fix the imbalances in
world trade that are at the center of fears of a great unraveling.

Americans have been buying staggering quantities of goods from
overseas using money lent by foreigners. Foreign exporters have been
relying on American consumers to keep them in business. For years,
this dynamic has made for increasingly lopsided terms of trade: Last
year, American imports outstripped exports by $764 billion, with
foreigners stepping in to cover the difference.

Economists have long intoned that somehow, some day, the United States
will be forced to settle up and stop depending upon the largess of
foreigners. The basic laws of economics say imbalances are eventually
balanced. Some have warned of a worst-case scenario where the
foreigners holding American debt get spooked that the value of the
dollar is about to plummet and dump the currency in a self-fulfilling
prophesy. This would jack up the price of imported goods in the United
States, making it harder for Japan, China and Europe to sell their
wares, and delivering a global recession.

In the more appetizing scenario, the adjustment would happen
gradually. The dollar would fall, making American goods cheaper abroad
and helping to correct the trade imbalance. The American economy would
slow, but the world economy would continue apace, allowing American
firms to export aggressively.

Faced with slower business at home, Americans would be more inclined
to save. That would force Japan, China, India and other export giants
to find new ways to prosper without leaning on the beleaguered
American consumer. The world economy would be cleansed of its
imbalances, emerging stronger. The more optimistic suggest that this
very scenario is now unfolding.

"If you're a global benevolent despot, you want a five-year period
where China booms, India booms and the U.S. consumer takes a decided
back seat," said Robert Barbera, chief economist at the brokerage and
advisory firm ITG. "You need to have a period where Asia booms and we
limp along, because the No. 1 worry for the world economy is large,
unsustainable trade imbalances."

To grasp what may at first seem perverse — pain required to get back
to gain — it is worth recalling the genesis of our current predicament.

A decade ago came a financial crisis in Asia. As losses rippled around
the globe, credit dried up, threatening the willingness of consumers
to spend and businesses to invest. With the health of the global
economy menaced, central banks lowered interest rates, fueling a wave
of spending that, for the most part, has kept things rolling along.

In the United States, cheap credit added momentum to the boom in
technology. That story ended badly, of course, with many companies
extinguished along with tens of billions of shareholder dollars. But
it did not deter the American consumer, whose spending amounts to 70
percent of the American economy. The Federal Reserve again opened the
taps of cheap credit. Spending went on.

As Americans have carried home mountains of goods manufactured in
Japan, China and elsewhere, they have sent trillions of dollars across
the Pacific to pay for them. Asian central banks have taken these
winnings and parked them back in the United States, buying up Treasury
bills, stocks and property. In so doing, they have kept American
interest rates low and the dollar stronger, ensuring that consumers
have the wherewithal to keep buying.

Asia's export-led prosperity has in turn generated business for
American firms. As China erects factories, office towers and modern
airlines, it is snapping up construction equipment from Caterpillar,
airplanes from Boeing and engines from Cummins.

Cheap credit has fostered another development that was crucial in
creating the current state of things: It unleashed a wave of mortgages
with exotically lenient terms, such as interest-only payments and no
money down. That allowed buyers to take on more expensive homes than
they could have otherwise afforded. As home values rose much the way
dot-com stocks had a decade earlier, banks offered loans and no-fuss
refinancing that allowed homeowners to turn increased value into
money. From 2004 to 2006, Americans took more than $800 billion a year
out of their homes, according to most estimates.

With prices now plummeting and banks savaged by mortgage losses, this
artery of credit is drying up. The American consumer, a crucial engine
of growth for the global economy, may finally be tapped out.

With recent history as a guide, many argue that the Fed and other
central banks need simply step in anew, cut interest rates and send
Americans back to the mall. Except a new force preoccupies those who
control the credit taps: Central banks in the United States and Europe
fear inflation, particularly as oil prices soar. This makes them
reluctant to bring interest rates down much more.

Where foreigners have in recent years been content to keep buying
American debt with the proceeds of the money they earn by selling us
their goods, that is now changing. As the dollar keeps falling in
value, China has sent signals that it plans to put more of its savings
in the euro. Petroleum-rich countries such as Kuwait and Russia,
swimming in dollars as the price of oil climbs, have been buying more
euros and other currencies, too, adding to the downward pressure on
the American currency.

So, for better or worse, Americans and countries whose prosperity is
tied to Americans' spending are apparently headed into uncharted
territory: We are about to find out what happens when the easy money
runs out.

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