Actually, in this particular list, many if not most are actual PhDs 
or other doctorates or MDs or in the case of Lenny Goldman, an LLD (a 
lawyer, doctor of laws). 

But they do name everybody Dr., like Dr. David Lynch, and I don't 
think that David even has a Bachelor's degree. Comedian Bob Hope had 
something like 40 honorary doctorates, but people did not go around 
addressing him as Doctor Hope, so the TMO doctorizing is just more of 
the egostroking that silly people need. And don't forget all the 
doctors in the Ministry of Silly Walks...

--- In, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Governors, Sidhas, and Meditators of the New York Domain,
> Please remember to join us for a conference call on Monday, 
November 26, at
> 8:00 PM to hear briefly from each minister (more details below) 
about his
> progress in introducing Maharishi's programs to create Heaven on 
> throughout the New York Domain. To connect to the call, please dial
> 512-225-3019, then enter the code 60345#.
> With all best wishes,
> Jai Guru Dev
> Raja Paul
> Raja of New York
> Structure of the Global Country of World Peace for the New York 
> In May of this year, Maharishi established a new administration for 
> region of the United States, including the New York Domain, 
reflecting the
> global administration of the Global Country of World Peace. A chief 
> and 12 ministers were appointed for each Domain, with 
responsibility to
> improve the quality of life in 12 areas of society. The ministers 
> for the New York Domain are a great resource for the 60 million 
people of
> the region. We invite you to take advantage of their expertise, and 
> participate with them to bring fulfillment to each of these 12 
areas in your
> locality.
> The New York Domain ministers and their corresponding ministries 
and roles,
> are as follows:
> Dr. Bill Sands, Chief Minister, to coordinate the programs of the 12
> ministries;
> Dr. Joel Wysong, Minister of Education, with the assistance of 
> Directors, Dr. Lynn Kaplan and Dr. Janet Hoffman, to introduce 
> Consciousness-Based education to schools; 
> Dr. Harry Martinian, Minister of Health, to make available the 
programs of
> Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health; 
> Dr. Bernie Nevas, Minister of Vedic Architecture, with the 
assistance of Dr.
> Lincoln Norton, to build fortune-creating buildings including Peace 
> Marble Peace Colonies, universities and health centers; 
> Dr. Jim Schaefer, Minister of Agriculture, to establish Maharishi 
> of Vedic Agriculture and Vedic Organic Farms to provide pure, 
> food;
> Dr. Greg Monokian, Minister of Trade and Commerce, to make available
> products to create Heaven on Earth, including prevention-oriented 
> products of Maharishi Ayur-Veda, and Raam Raj Organic Clothing; 
> Dr. Richard Dalby, Minister of Defense, to establish peace-creating 
> practicing Maharishi Vedic Technologies, who act from the level of 
> Natural Law to prevent terrorism and war by dissolving stress in the
> collective consciousness before it can break out as social 
> Dr. Park Hensley, Minister of Science and Technology, to 
collaborate with
> scientists around the world to continue to research the effects and 
> of the programs of Maharishi Vedic Science;
> Dr. Joshua Pittman, Minister of Communication, to bring news of the
> activities and achievements of Vedic New York to the world, and 
news of the
> Global Country of World Peace from around the world to Vedic New 
> Dr. Ralph Emmerich, Minister of Religion and Culture, with the 
assistance of
> Dr. Peter Scharf, to honor the traditional cultural leaders 
throughout Vedic
> New York for upholding their parental role of administration and to
> introduce Maharishi's programs to strengthen their cultural 
> Dr. Tom Brooks, Minister of Administration, to bring prevention 
> problem-free administration to every level of government, by 
> the knowledge of total Natural Law through the technologies of 
> Vedic Science; 
> Dr. Lenny Goldman, Minister of Law and Order, with the assistance 
of Dr.
> Alan Costell, to introduce the programs of Maharishi Vedic Science 
in the
> fields of law, justice, and rehabilitation;
> Dr. Bob Rosania, Minister of Finance and Planning, to implement the 
> of the Global Minister of Finance and Planning for creating 
invincibility in
> our Domain and throughout the US. 

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