R: Here's the really funny part. They are so terrified of the coming 
>  tyranny, terror, fascism, and torture "out there" and completely 
>  unaware that the coming nightmare is Disneyland compared to the 
>  absolute tyranny, terror, fascism, and torture they are subjecting 
>  themselves to every moment -- voluntarily trading their birthright 
>  even for a mess of spinach, but for a handful of burning nettles --
>  congratulating themselves on the trade.
 Angela Mailander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This time, Rory, you are not speaking from any kind of experience. 
Have you seen war?  You may be able to argue that most of us are 
living in a world of psychological misery of our own making because 
we are not enlightened, but we are still spoiled Americans with the 
money, leisure, and comfort to have spiritual concerns of some sort.  
> And again, just because we see something coming down the road 
doesn't mean we're afraid.  a

Anything "out there" is Disneyland, period. If it really matters, I 
remember war. I am still standing amidst the ashes, rubble, bones, 
and stink of an incinerated Germany and knowing nothingness, and 
utter humiliation and failure to protect my people. 

What's going on "in here" is far worse: because it has a sugar 
coating, allowing us to ignore a far more horrendous and insidious 
tyranny that robs us of utter freedom, doesn't allow us to have a 
truly clear thought, or perceive clearly that we aren't actually 
free. And again, I'm not speaking of mere political freedom. I'm 
speaking of a thought-control so subtle we aren't even aware that 
it's there or that we're fearfully chained by it, until it Dies.

We're afraid, all right. 

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