*Is there a place for you by the Federally Enforced Management Authority?*
*Complete with chains in the floor next to your bed to keep you there?*

What have the administration and the eternal bureaucrats been
doing to protect you, provide for the common defense, and
promote the general welfare of Americans?  Well, comrade,
assuming you are the enemy is part of what they've done ...
to protect themselves and make sure that you continue to
consume, consume, consume and consume some more.  So,
when the economy collapses, for America and the world at large,
what are they going to do with you?


Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.  Journalism -- the
free press -- used to be the avant gard of our freedoms, the
defacto "Fourth Branch of Government", yet has now become
the annexed department of the Executive Branch and works as
its ditto-heading disseminator of supposed facts and verifiable
lies spilling forth from the bowels of KKKarl Rove and
others in the nether world of the Animal House occupied by
the unelected Idiot-in-Chief doing a more obscene job of
it, by far, than that other actor, RayGun.

The research has been done, by American libertarian Alex
Jones.  You may have heard him already, in the news,
*on the radio <http://alexjones-texanbarksbackatbush.playz.it/> *or through
this or other newsgroups.
 Concerned *about your freedoms* -- all of our
freedoms -- which are quickly being usurped by
Bimbos-at-Large in the Animal House in DC, and forfeited
by massive herds of all-too-busy and often too negligent
"American People", Alex finds the crap on BushCo and the
NeoCons and presents it for *your consideration and concern*:


While I don't always jive with some of Alex Jones' nuances
of facts and history, I certainly comport with his concern
and evidence about large portions of our government -- most
all unelected federal workers -- intending to make
knuckle-draggers of us all.  From dumbing-down to buying
votes through tax rebates, and making surveillance of your
deservedly intimate life ubiquitous with your giddy delight
in forfeiting your rights [and responsibilities] as a citizen,
wittingly or unwittingly, the next threshold is a police
state as the world responds, in unison, to the economic and
political rape perpetrated by our government and companies:
an incestuous fornication otherwise known in the dictionary
and history books as "fascism".

Watch the video to learn more about how this is
coming true -- right behind your very back, and
even right before *your very eyes*:
*Can* *Spirituality **, Social Justice, and Economic and Political **
Democracy** find *
*synergy** and **synthesis** in a fair and equitable manner? *
http://PROUT.shows.it <http://prout.shows.it/>
*find out how**!*

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