Watching how the Enron types operated when the S hit the fan is a good
example of what I am talking about and that was within one company!  I
know someone who works on private jets for some of the richest people
in the world but I can't claim to rub elbows.  They aren't the
trusting type was my point. But in DC you can rub elbows with the high
profile types if you want to dress for it.  Same as other big cities.
I've never met a billionaire but know a few millionaires.  That isn't
saying too much these days is it?   

My gun question was just a joke.  I think you and I have found a
comfortable water level to hang out it haven't we? 

I do own a gun.  I bought it when I was married and owned a house. 
Then I got into shooting as a sport for a while.  Very Zen.  I haven't
shot it in about 15 years so I'm not really into it now.  However I do
think it is a good idea to have an option if someone invades your home
other than "how can I help you?"  I don't believe that personal guns
help the Government stay in line.  I have seen their guns on TV and
they are mighty big!

I haven't looked in to the camps thing.  With 24 hour news fighting
for stories to smoke their competition I find any large scale
operation hard to imagine under radar.  Even Bush's war buildup came
out in extreme detail and that is as high as it goes.  My faith is
that the balance of antagonism keeps the worst of the worst in check.
 The system only fails when one side stops fighting like before the
Iraq war.  That was a dangerous imbalance of this principle IMO.  

But your general distrust of the money politics enmeshment is
something I worry about too.  Unless something really good comes on TV! 

--- In, Duveyoung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "curtisdeltablues" wrote:"
> "Is it really your experience that high powered, egotistical, big
> business types can work together in complete trust on a project 
> requiring perfect secrecy, that would get them locked up forever if it
> failed?"
> Edg:
> No, I haven't.  Thanks for that concept. It is calming.
> On the other hand, I don't think I've ever met a BigBiz mover and
> shaker, so maybe those who are "really up there" in the power structures
> just don't rub elbows with "asses from the masses" like me.  Maybe that
> good old boys club has some folks who really can be in cahoots and keep
> it all secret to the max.
> I have to admit I am terribly limited in my experiencing of such types.
> "curtisdeltablues" wrote:
> "Have you ever found top guys in any field to be trusting and chummy to
> that level, even if they were as diabolical as would be required.  The
> guys at the top of any field I have seen are contentious with each other
> and would never trust each other to not roll them in front of the bus as
> soon as they were being investigated."
> Edg:
> Have you met any top dogs?  I mean like the head of a global
> corporation?  All I've ever met were feral mutts like Beckley, Kaplan,
> Monty Guild who are outlanders who made it big but never really were
> BigBiz insiders.
> I met a rich man 40 years ago that assured me that anyone with more than
> a million dollars (say, 5 million in today's dollars) cannot escape
> being impacted by the Mafia who smell blood in the water and come to
> feed. I wonder if one rises to the ranks of CEO in the global businesses
> if along the way, they are slowly "brought into the fold."
> Monty Guild told me 30 years ago, "I'm just now starting to hobnob with
> billionaires." And this was when Monty was really rocketing.  Don't know
> what he's done since though.
> So, it probably takes a ton of bucks to get into the black-tie parties
> or "brunches in the Hamptons" often enough to develop the relationships
> that could eventually lead to breaking through the upper crust enough to
> see what's really going on in the mindsets there.
> "curtisdeltablues" wrote:
> "This scenario requires personality traits that seem completely
> unrealistic to me.  These guys are not mystery men.  Come down to DC and
> we will have lunch at DC's Prime Rib or Morton's Steakhouse  and you can
> sip martinis with these assholes. You will see what I mean about what
> they are like. Power brokers are never trusting people, that is one of
> their secrets to how they got where they are. You know what is on their
> minds?  Their kids college bills, their shitty relationships at home and
> their health, just like lots of ordinary people without power and money.
> They are not either diabolical enough, trusting enough, or unselfishly
> interested enough to risk it all for an ideal."
> Edg:
> Yeah, but I would not call those folks the real-deals of BigBiz -- more
> likely than not they're just MBA's who made it big, but not all-the-way,
> and are still merely domesticated servants.
> Your point about keeping such bigass scenarios secret, given how many
> people it would take to pull them off, strikes my paranoia a serious
> blow, and I have been using that concept to keep myself "level."  But I
> just don't know what to do with the material at -- it's
> very disturbing data that can be googled, ya know?
> Curtis, do you think they've built the camps?  If so, why were they
> built?  If you think the camps were not even built and are merely Web
> myths perpetrated just like the "NASA didn't get men on the moon" people
> keep their conspiracies alive, tell me that.
> "curtisdeltablues" wrote:
> "Any chance we can get a little heads up here if you ever do get that
> gun?"
> Edg:
> Worried are you?  I don't blame you, given my willingness to make ever
> so large my fears with my poetry.  I just lurves being kookoo like that.
> In today's media-jaded world, it takes a bit of hyperbole to
> communicate, sez moi.  But, tell me, have I really posted such angst
> that you think I'd be out there with twin bandoleers kapowing at
> anything that moves?
> I'm much more your style -- sorry to disappoint you, but I think much
> more along the lines of "get out of Dodge" like you're espousing for the
> general rule of thumb for iffy situations.
> I have taught inner city schools, and I've twice had knives pulled on me
> for asking a kid to take a seat -- politely, mind you.  I am not an
> adrenaline junky.  I know what fear INSTANTLY arose in me then, and a
> much more challenging event, like a shootout with the "mind police
> coming to get me," is not a situation I'd get in.  I'd rather live on my
> knees than die on my feet as they say.  I'm no Bruce Willis, but who
> knows what one would do in the kind of dire scenarios that are herein
> being speculated?
> Do you own a gun?
> Edg
> > --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Everyone here has honed their psychic powers via various methods for
> > > decades.
> > >
> > > Well, let's see if we'z gots the mojo from all the work . . . or
> not.
> > >
> > > Here's the question for our intuitions:  Will BigBiz arrange for
> > > another 9-11 in order to declare martial law, imprison millions in
> the
> > > camps they've built, and call off the election until "things calm
> down?"
> > >
> > > My vote:
> > >
> > > Yes: if Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich come up another notch or two in
> > > the poles or kick ass in the primaries.
> > >
> > > No: if any other Republican or Hillary, Barack, or John get the nom.
> > >
> > > I'm on the verge of my paranoia coming to the foreground bigtime
> what
> > > with the camps and "War with Iran" talk. I'm not to my Y2K level
> yet,
> > > so I haven't stocked up my pantry, gotten wilderness survival
> > > equipment, or bought a gun.
> > >
> > > Ron and Dennis are candidates that seem to be artifacts that are
> > > "spiking on the graph" of the BigBiz's control system -- that is,
> they
> > > have risen a bit higher into the public's awareness than the system
> > > would like, but they are allowed cuz it makes the system "seem fair"
> > > -- so far that is; if they get more popular I would expect some
> > > swiftboating of Ron and Dennis for starters.
> > >
> > > The bad news is this:  if the worst is true, then I will probably be
> > > rounded up and put into a camp -- just because I've posted online my
> > > deep anger towards BigBiz.  They're are reading all our emails and
> > > listening to all our phone calls, right?  They've got computers
> > > scanning for key words and making a list and probably not checking
> it
> > > twice, right?
> > >
> > > All the above said, I think that my read of the American psyche is
> > > still very hopeful.  Here in Wisconsin, there's millions of deer
> > > hunters who would aim those rifles at anyone coming to take their
> guns
> > > or put a loved one in a camp for hating BushCo.  That's the Achilles
> > > Heel of BigBiz's brainwashing of our culture:  they've inculcated a
> > > Die Hard heroism worship in us, and that "inner Bruce Willis" within
> > > each of us is waiting for a "righteous cause."  It won't be easy for
> > > BigBiz to sell the camps to anyone unless a 9-11 style disaster is
> > > "pulled off," and some group can be made into retaliation
> > > targets....probably the Arabs living in America and any mobs that
> form
> > > to protest.
> > >
> > > The guy at is making more and more sense everyday.
> > >
> > > Edg
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@>
> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > --- In, "mainstream20016"
> > > > <mainstream20016@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@>
> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Video clip:
> > > > > >
> > > > fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=935607276
> > > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Great truths not only about the USA !
> > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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