This is from a non US media source
originating in Israel. They are akways right on with
their reporting.

Pivotal US-Iraqi Deal Would Leave US Troop Presence in
Iraq for Decades

DEBKAfile Special Report

November 27, 2007, 6:01 PM (GMT+02:00)
US President George W. Bush made sure of a
wall-to-wall Arab audience in Washington on Monday,
Nov. 26, when, over a secure video-link, he signed a
deal in principle with Iraqi prime minister Nouri
al-Maliki for an “enduring” US military presence in

Iraqi officials foresaw a long-term presence of 50,000
US troops - down from the current 170,000.

Negotiations on the shape and size of the long-term US
military presence, including military bases outside
the cities, must be wrapped up by July 2008, when
Washington intends to finish withdrawing the five
combat brigades it added in 2007. 

The US-Iraqi agreement would replace the UN mandate
after its final extension to the end of 2008. 

Maliki said in a televised address that the agreement
provides for the US to support the “democratic regime
in Iraq against domestic and external dangers,” as
part of a strategic partnership. The principles
provide for US military roles in deterring foreign
aggression against Iraq and helping Iraq fight
terrorism. Baghdad will encourage foreign capital into
Iraq - especially American investments in developing
its oil resources. 

Three key points emerge from this “declaration of

1. President Bush needed this document - alongside the
Annapolis Israel-Palestinian process - to prevent the
policies he set in motion in the Middle East from
expiring when his term of office ends. These policies
are contingent on a permanent large-scale presence of
US military, marine and air forces in the region –
guaranteed up to app. 2030.

2. DEBKAfile’s military sources refer to a master plan
disclosed on this site and DEBKA-Net-Weekly in late
2006, whereby more than 100,000 US troops will quit
Iraq by the end of 2009, leaving behind 50-70,000 in
twenty huge land and air bases. These bases are under
construction; they will be secured by broad swathes of
space, fortified with weaponry and remote-controlled
electronic devices. 

The American troops will be responsible for protecting
Iraq’s borders from external threats, such as Iraq or
al Qaeda, while Iraqi forces will be take charge of
security in the cities.

3. US air strength and special forces in these bases
will have rapid deployment capabilities for reaching
points outside Iraq at need.

4. While this is not spelled out clearly, the
declaration offers to reward the US for these
defensive arrangements with preferential treatment for
American investors in oil and other projects in Iraq.
The United States thus plans to retain control over
Iraq’s oil resources.

Two flies in the ointment in this deal are noted by
DEBKAfile’s Iraq sources:

First, Americans will want explanations for the
decision to keep an enduring US military presence in
Iraq. Notwithstanding the recent success of US
security strategy, the majority would prefer to see
every last US soldier out of Iraq as soon as possible.
This is especially so when the improvement may be
short-lived and the violence recur.

Second, the Shiite prime minister’s signature on the
declaration will not suffice to make it binding on all
segments of Iraqi society. It will have to stand up to
Kurdish and Sunni Muslim approval in and outside

Third, as matters stand now, the Shiite-led central
government in Baghdad does not call the shots in the
Sunni regions of central Iraq or the autonomous
Kurdish region in the north.

Many bumps face the Bush-Maliki deal in the
eight-month road up to its finalization. And even
then, its practical segments will have to be adjusted
to the satisfaction of the Iraqi government and the
far-from stable conditions operating on the ground.

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