--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From a friend:
> I just saw a program about India and the Vedas.  It seems as 
> though now they have found some ancient cities (off the coast 
> under water) that were from the end of the last ice age. You 
> know, like 4500 years BEFORE Egypt and Mesopotamia. They say 
> it will make us re-think HISTORY. I mean if they were there 
> 12000 years ago as HUGE cities, how long had they been there, 
> how long had their civilization existed to have created cities 
> such as that? The Vedas too. Older than anything. The historians 
> had not wanted acknowledge how ancient Indian civilization was 
> nor how old the Vedas were and even that the Vedas were FROM 
> ancient Indian civilization, but WOOPS, cities are turning up 
> from 12000 years ago . . . . 
> Nice stuff.

In a followup program, they were able to translate
a fragment of a frieze found on one of the walls of
this underwater city. It was a kind of travelogue
or adventure tale telling how the inhabitants of
the city (who referred to themselves as being "at
Lantea" when they were at home) voyaged across the
sea to what was then ancient India and recorded
what they found. 

The one quote they read on the program was something 
like, "...a bunch of ignorant religious nuts who 
chant all day long about cows and the cheap liquor 
they distill from cow milk, which they call 'soma'. 
We decided to build a couple of small towns there 
to try to show them an alternative to living in huts 
and journeyed onwards, still searching for signs of 
civilization, because we found none in that land..."

Just kidding, of course. Although my story is just 
as likely as the "Great Vedic Era" stories that MMY
tells. His tall tales are a form of "If it ain't 
from India it's crap;" mine are a form of "If it 
ain't Atlantean it's crap." 

Believing that myths are history is the part of this
scenario that's crap, IMO. 

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