--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 12/5/07 7:58:35 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
> Clearly  Ron Paul because of his consistently getting
> it right on Iraq and voting  "no" and his bring the
> troops home policy and stop trying to dominate  the
> world and getting the US from printing money ad
> nauseum
> and  states rights on abortion and income taxes wit h
> NO federal income tax. he  also wants freedom of choice
> on healt hcare issues including alternative  therapies.
> Second would be Kucinich followed by Obama. Hilary is
> dirty  as can be and Rudy too is more Big Business. 
> So in other words you'll be voting for Hillary:)
Oh what a cheap shot! There's a slogan I saw recently You don't have to vote 
for the lesser 
of two evils, vote Ron Paul. The idea of wasted vote demeans the whole process. 
If you 
look at the straw polls Ron Paul is winning almost all of them! The San 
Fransico GOP got 
so nervous when it looked like Ron Paul was about to win their Straw Poll they 
cancelled it! 
This is how bad our democracy has gotten: 
the report from http://www.freemarketnews.com/WorldNews.asp?nid=52233:

An on-scene report from Jerry Cullen: "The San Francisco Republican Alliance 
headed by 
Gail Neira held their pre election banquet at the Holiday Inn at Fisherman's 
Wharf in San 
Francisco last evening, December 4th, 2007. The gathering was advertised as a 
gala affair 
of loyal Republicans to be followed by a straw poll to select the favorite 
Candidate. The featured speaker was Republican State Senator Sam Aanesta (CA 
4th SD). 
The Senator treated the audience to an hour long election pitch for Fred 
Thompson that 
cured the insomnia of all in attendance. After endless delays of meaningless 
trivia the 
doors were opened to the late comers to the straw poll each of whom had paid $5 
admission. The flood of Ron Paul supporters entered the room to join an already 
substantial number of Ron Paul supporters that had attended the 'banquet'.

"A shocked Gail Neira in consultation with the Fred Thompson Northern CA 
cancelled the straw poll vote offering a series of fraudulent, incomprehensible 
incoherent reasons. The result was chaos as more than one hundred Ron Paul 
objected to the outright deception. Neira's ratings reached a level of 
unreality beyond 
description. Security was called to evict the peaceful if upset Ron Paul 
followers. When I 
asked that a picture be taken to attest to security attacking the 79-year-old 
me, security 
turned and disappeared.


All Democrats concerned about the war, need to see this video:


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