What would you consider proof? This is not an idle question.  Let's ask Marek 
how such a thing would work. When is evidence enough in a murder case, even 
when proof cannot be had?  Would you be willing to spend your time to read and 
see what I tell you to see and read? Obviously, I cannot do this work for you.  
The thing about proving, demonstrating, following etc. an argument, is that you 
would have to be willing to actually do something, rather than just sit 
passively and let me recount all the videos I've seen, books I've read, 
websites I've reviewed etc.  If you're gonna be the jury, you'd have work 
because in order to know something, we must actually do something.  Knowledge 
is a participatory thing in a case such as this. 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:                                   In a message dated 
12/5/07 3:25:31 P.M. Central Standard Time,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 If it    would, then the question is serious enough to consider seriously 
rather than    to dismiss on the grounds that so far all we have is 
evidence---not    proof.
Proof cannot be found until we are willing to consider the evidence,    not 
just a particular piece of it, but the body of it and its weight.  In    this 
case, the history, hidden or otherwise, leading up to the event is    
necessarily part of the evidence. 
 Well, get you ducks in a row and prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt  
and we'll see if anybody is willing to listen.

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