----Now that was a worthy diatribe. Thanks Dudes. BTW, Dud is Tibetan for Rakshasha.

The entire world would go through some terrible times,
but IMO would be safer and saner as a result.
---I hate to say it but I agree, a world without an America seems to be a saner place to me. But then. I live in America and hate my bosses and am anti-authoritarian, propped up by my credit and living on borrowed time. I don't honestly feel sane usually and so I feel that America is my reflection, as much of or as little of it that I actually did help form in the first place.

> I take it you're not in need of a job, health care insurance, any
> social services , money, food clothing etc. What do you think will
> happen to all those Chinese and Indians that we employ directly
> or indirectly and all that Arab oil money that feeds the Middle
> east?

Many of them would be healthier.  With all due respect,
your knowledge of the world seems as based on Bushite
and gung-ho American propaganda as your knowledge of
spiritual subjects seems as based on Maharishi propa-
ganda.  The US does not prop up the Chinese and Arab
economies; it's the other way around.  In the short
term they would lose a great deal of capital as the
US abrogated its debts to them, but having an actual
economy of their own (as opposed to the US), they would
recover and not make the mistake of investing in the
US again in the future.
----You who?! I didn't vote for Bush. I voted against him.  Personally I have enjoyed the piracy of American copywrited goods from the Chinese and Arab Emirate backed software reverse engineering rings.

> You don't think the US economy would have a "rippling" effect,
> and I put that gently, on  the rest of the world's economies
> who are also either depending on ours or are struggling to keep
> their heads above water?

On the contrary, I think that the inevitable collapse
of the US house-of-cards economy will have a *huge*
effect on the rest of the world's economies.  I think
things will be very, very tough indeed, for a period
of time that may last 5 to 10 years.  After that, the
countries with *real* functioning economies would recover
and build on strong foundations (not credit) and would
take their rightful place in the global economy network.
The US probably would take 10-15 years to do so, if it
ever recovered.  If it does not, I for one will not shed
a single tear.  A period of humility as a third-world
nation would do them a world of good.
-----It did Haiti good, that's for sure.

These are Just My Opinions, dude.  I am not trying to
say that they are correct or Truth, just the way I see
things.  I'm not trying to sell them to you or convince
you.  I'm just telling it the way it looks to me, from
the vantage point of Paris, France, June 2005.
----Well, it is the ten headed dragon that gets in bed with the beast in Revs. That's not America. Euro ho.

> With a collapsed US economy there wouldn't even be any money
> available to restart our own industries...

YOUR own economies, Chucko.  I don't live there, and
never will again.  To paraphrase Dr. Emilio Lizardo in
Buckaroo Banzai, "It's not my goddamned country,
Monkeyboy."  :-)   :-)   :-)
But he was in the 25th dimension.  But really is an American actor.

> But maybe you could hunker down some place and survive.

I have every intention of doing so, and a whole set of
contingency plans for doing so, whatever happens.
----See, that's the attitude right there of those in power in America who think they're safe from their deeds. Meanwhile there's the peon like myself who can't do a fucking thing to change shit!  I protested Bush right from the very second after 9/11. I understood the entire scenario.  Still do.  I knew it meant WW3. I went out protesting not long after, by myself, with a sign that said, "Just say no to WW3."  People, since they lack vision beyond the edge of their plate thought I was crazy.  Der.  People are so stupid. Americans need more bullfights so they can see how the simple mind works.

 And, far from hating it, I love it dearly and wish
it would get over this fit of insufferable ego and stupidity
and ignorance and hatred and greed it's going through.  And
I wish it would do so peacefully.
----Yep, what you said.

But those wishes faded with the results of the last election.
40% of Americans didn't even bother to VOTE, man, with every-
thing that was on the line in that election.  It's not as if
I expect them to stand up and change things on their own.  I
honestly do not see that happening any more.
-----Yep, what you said.

So I reluctantly look for other solutions to the Problem That
Is America.  It's a big fucking problem.  And the solution
to the problem is evident, if one just looks at it closely
and dispassionately enough.  America is BANKRUPT.
-----Well, much of it is virtual debt. Like say, I take from my right pocket fifty billion and sell it to my left pocket.  Moreover, much of the debt is to those who in wartime stand the best chance to make it back if this American wartime enterprise doesn't fail and they can get democracy and oil fields back up and running. Got bless democracy, and oil (The Great Beast).

All that is necessary to stop the deranged juggernaut that is
America is for the rest of the world, which props up its fict-
ional economy on a daily basis, to stop doing so.  America has
no money with which to continue its madness at that point.
----One shouldn't think America is not part of the rest of the world. What sort of thinking is that? 

As rough as that possibility would be for the rest of the
world, I am convinced it would be better for the world as
a whole in the long run.
----If you enjoy the sweet taste of nuclear fallout and global abomination.

> I'm certainly glad I don't share your pessimism.

I'm certainly glad I don't share your brainwashing.  :-)
----I'm glad I'm not attached to my aversions.

> Do you have a problem with depression?

Only economic depression.  That'll be a bitch, but appears
to me to be the only global solution at this point.
----What goes up must come down, and vice versa. Show me an economy not in tune with the wheel, and I'll show you a

Yeah, and the Age of Enlightenment was established some
years ago and TM is unique and the world's gonna come
flocking to TM's new Enlightenment Burger franchises and
feel all fuzzy and warm about a bunch of bozos running
around in long robes wearing Burger King hats, too.  :-)
----Wwell, it used to feel that way, for a few minutes. I mean.  What is it with the French and Burger King?  they have them on the Champs Elysee.  You guys are just attached to your Sauce Poivre Vert. 
Et là, les habitués des Cahiers du Burger me voient sans doute venir : on peut ainsi recréer le fabuleusement Rhaaa lovelyesque Double Rodeo du Hulk Meal Deal !!! Tout récemment disparue du menu, cette merveille manque cruellement au line-up burgers de Burger King. Et vous pourrez accomplir ce miracle inespéré en mangeant sur place !

Like I said, this is OPINION, dude.  If you don't like it,
I don't think it's productive spend your energy demonizing
me for holding it.  You might try forming your OWN opinion. 
I suspect it would be a refreshing change for you. 
---I don't have opinons. They have me.

Signing off...if you wish to continue to beat this partic-
ular dead horse, you will find it riderless.  Life's too
short to argue over simple opinion. 

----Remember the horse in Godfather?
Thanks for the laugh, at myself.

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