The Earth And Its People - 8/14/81

When on Earth, as in the present age, the number of demonic or
destructive people is rapidly increasing, as a result natural
disturbances are also increasing - such as cyclones, hurricanes, too
much heat, heavy snowfalls, volcanoes, tidal waves, earthquakes, etc.
The numbers of people murdered, robbed and injured also are
increasing. Countries where there is terrible unrest, riots,
revolutions,etc. indicate that these places are heavily inhabited by
such destructive people who are causing turmoil wherever they are. 

It is said that Mars and Saturn are impious planets and when they
shine brightly in the skies it is not a good sign. It is understood
that when there are constant disturbances on Earth it is a sign that
the destructive evil population is increasing, and as a result, fear
is generated among the good people and they do not know where to turn
for protection. 

The only place anyone can turn for refuge is to God.

If the unwanted destructive population continues to increase, the
Earth will become like hell. These destructive people are not
concerned with developing a trade or honorable profession in life;
rather they prefer to live on welfare or steal from others, and then
some deal in drugs, etc. to make a living from the misery of others. 

In essence, this is transferring Hell to this Earth. Destruction also
runs to higher levels of life such as those who would exploit the
resources of the world, pollute the rivers, lakes and oceans, and
destroy the forests, etc. for their own gain, regardless of who they
may injure. 

They would also wage war without any good reason except for personal
gain. Although there is a great price to pay for unnecessarily
disturbing the peace of the world, they plunge on in their destructive
ways creating their own particular hell and the hell to follow this
life. For one creating hell on Earth also creates his own hell in

Some on this Earth believe the power of God to be only material, and
in ignorance they pit themselves against this power. They also kill
and conquer people and nations in the guise of freeing the people only
to plunge them into slavery. This is why Christ said, "Ye are of your
father the devil and his works shall ye do." 

Those who are on the spiritual path are seeking the light of God; God
will save them. All that is needed is devotion and perseverance. 

Even demons, when they are active in their destructive ways, believe
that their power is awesome and that God is hiding from them. Such is
the nature of their delusiveness. Again, they are very much disturbed
when there is a religious fervor or a spiritual wave among the people
for they fear this even though they do not know why or believe this.

Those of a demonic or destructive nature always believe that if they
have great wealth and power this will save them from the wrath of God.
They believe all on Earth to be their property. When it isn't, and in
countries where they try to drive God out and suppress religion, they
are never, ever successful. 

For a time they may appear to be successful on the surface, but below
the surface they are not really successful at all. There is, however,
a constant war going on between the negative forces and the positive
forces for control of the Earth. 

The Earth, like everything else, constantly fluctuates between the
three modes, or is a combination of the three modes of ignorance,
passion and Goodness. However, in the present time, the emphasis is on
ignorance and passion, with Goodness running a poor third. The highest
mode on Earth is Goodness, while the Almighty Creator and the Absolute
is pure Goodness, whereas on Earth there is no state of pure Goodness. 

In pure Goodness there cannot possibly be any contamination of
ignorance or passion. Hence, it is pure. The vibration would not
permit the expression of either lessor mode. 

The main thrust of humanity in life is to gain oneness with God, or
the pure light, and not become lost in the lesser expressions of
light. For what seems like the light to us is really, in the absolute
sense, still a lesser degree of darkness for we have not reached the
end of the tunnel.

When there comes a time of necessity on Earth an avatar comes and
straightens everything out. The word, "avatar," means "One who
descends," or God coming onto Earth. 

It is said that the Godly person is full of knowledge while the
destructive person is full of ignorance. Also, the main difference
between material enjoyment and spiritual enjoyment is that material
enjoyment has limitations and spiritual enjoyment has no end and it
keeps on increasing. 

The one great force that has the most binding influence on humanity is
the sex force. In its lower projection of lust it becomes demonic, and
there are those so caught up that they are possessed with a desire to
kill in their pursuit of lust. This is why we must always keep our
mind on God, or on the pure, because this protects us from becoming
trapped by the negative forces who would pull us down.

Religion in its intensity to uplift humanity began to play upon fear
because that is the only thing the unknowing understands and respects.
So, a God of Wrath was projected in the minds of humanity rather than
a God of Love who has given us free will in order for us to learn all
we need to know by trial and error. 

There does come a time when one no longer enjoys the material sense
pursuits and at this point one turns to a spiritual life where they
find real and lasting enjoyment, and they are no longer repelled from
one thing to another in a blind pursuit toward destruction.

As one moves along the spiritual path one is caught up in greater
bliss and an overwhelming feeling of peace and self-contentment. One
of the miracles that one finds is the ability to live with one's self. 

One has now discovered the inner Self and the inner now reflects on
the outer surface of life. Life now takes on a new meaning and purpose
and a dedication to the higher principles now comes into being. 

Until one discovers the inner Self, the God Self, one can never find
happiness in materiality. But when one does, then one can enjoy the
material life and not become a slave of materiality. All others
attempt to lord it over or become masters of materiality, and it is a
pursuit where on the surface one can never win. 

Also, those who are addicted to sense pleasures and materiality can
never find spiritual realization. To come to such a realization one
must come to worship the Supreme Lord. One must come to yoga. One must
seek the Super Soul. And to find this, one must go within to the very
source itself.

In yugas past the time was much easier and the long life was conducive
to other practices in order to gain a cosmic status. Some practiced
yoga for 10,000 years, or even 60,000 years, in order to reach union
with God. 

Today, in the kali yuga, things are very different. Life is very
short; 100 years at the outside. So, a practice is needed that
accomplishes the goal in a much shorter time. So, the Transcendental
Meditation technique, where the goal of meditation is Spiritual
fulfillment, is the answer; where one does give devotion to the
Supreme Godhead; where one's devotion is intense, consistent and
unwavering. Along with this fixed desire one is then connected to his
Godhead and given a mantra that sets up the required vibration. This
in turn destroys the bindings of the material world along with
infusing the nature of God into our nature.

After a certain time one then finds that he did not have to go by
extreme discipline free himself from his bondage, but rather by
infusion, which makes this an automatic process of spiritual
fulfillment. Now the answer to life becomes very clear - I am That and
That I am, and I will always be so.

~~  Lectures by Charlie Lutes

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