Just forwarding something I received from a Purusha in India.
Best wishes,  David Hawthorne
Jai Guru Dev and Holiday greetings from Ved Bhumi, Bharat. Winter has come
to our mountain retreat and with it Silence and the inward pull that comes
with snow and cold.  It's a good time as long as the electricity is up and
the heaters are working.  Otherwise it can get a little discouraging as the
weeks go bye, I'm sure you know the syndrome, perhaps without the
power-outages.  One has to admire the locals who have never had power, but a
couple of cows (or buffaloes) and a wood fire can go a long way, as our
forefathers experienced.
I hope all is bliss with you there and that you get a chance to support the
Invincible America Assembly and your own Atma over the holidays.  The coming
US election drama will be a long and potentially divisive affair without the
Pandits and the bliss generated by all the Governors and Sidha's and
Meditators in America.  Amazing Knowledge flowing from Maharishi Ji, as you
know from the Maharishi Channel. Brahma Vidya, Pure Knowledge, is the
greatest purifier and it's pouring out these days, enlivening the already
awakened Pure Consciousness of Mahatma's like your great selves.  Good to
drink from that well, to keep the Buddhi sattvic out there in the midst of
all the rajas (not to be confused with Raajaa's) of worldly life.
Maharishi Ji has been awakening us to the memory, smriti, of the Self, Atma.
That memory of Infinity and it's Point, Gyan Shakti and Kriya Shakta,
Silence and Dynamism is the ground of Brahm, Totality, Unity.  The world
with it's rattle and hum, the push and pull of the "drama's" of waking state
consciousness leave a different memory, one of division and pain and fear.
So good to keep the intellect (Buddhi) whose nature it is to divide anyway,
floating on the basis of a rested nervous system and a mind full of the
memories of Ram (Ramayana), Brahm (Gita & Mahabharta), Kriyaa Shakti (Durga
Saptashati & Shrimad Devi Bhagavatam), etc.  
It makes such a difference to spend a little time on Veda or Upanishad or
Purana every day, in Sanskrit if you know your swara's, or in English in
which the wholeness comes through, even in the parts.  Or the Maharishi
Channel, just that darshan of the Global Country of World Peace flowing, the
play of Unity Consciousness, within boundaries of the Raajaa's and the
Family Chats..and Maharishi Ji's lectures transform at a level not available
in everyday worldly experience.  Even if the intellect throws up objections,
the inner memory of Atma is awakened.  Ram Raja, where suffering belonged to
no one, is recalled on the cellular level.  Important in the world of
transformation, to keep the unitary transformation, zero-point motion open
to our perception.  Jivo Brahmaiva Na Paradh  The Individual is Cosmic.
Thank you for support of Purusha and all of Maharishi Ji's programs all
these years, it is a great gift to us all to be able to be part of this
undertaking to transform the consciousness of our world, to guide the
destiny of mankind towards Heaven on Earth.  We are very fortunate.  Keep it
up, more bliss is coming in the days and weeks ahead as the direction of
Time turns heavenward, radiating the Light of God.
All Glory to Guru Dev.
Maharishi: "The role is that the teacher is absolutely woven into this
knowledge. And when the knowledge is in our awareness, it's the total
teacher that is in our awareness. It is said in the Vedic literature, about
the teacher: Na guroradhikam; na guroradhikam; na guroradhikam-"There is
nothing greater than Guru; there is nothing greater than Guru; there is
nothing greater than Guru"-because Guru is the embodiment of all that is
Guru is Brahm-Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnur. These are not the words of
adoration. This is the description of the reality of Guru. Guru is on the
level of totality personified. When Guru speaks, it is the totality that
speaks. Words of the Guru are the words of the Veda. Veda is only heard from
the Guru. So Guru means the totality. And if one is in the sense of Guru all
the time, one is in the sense of Total Natural Law and its total organizing
power. And there is nothing greater than that. 
That's why Guru is completely natural in our awareness. It's not a matter of
anything that is from outside or anything. It's completely natural. It's
simple. It's totality. It's a great-it's a great thing; it's a great thing.
One knows it in being that level of-being that level of relationship. Na
guroradhikam-there is nothing greater than Guru, nothing greater than Guru.
"   MMY-Guru Purnimah 2005


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