do.rflex wrote:
> --- In, Bhairitu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
>> To me this is a form of witnessing and watching events with "eyes wide 
>> open."  With this ability one is able to observe things that don't 
>> really add up.  So no wonder people like us can see the conspiracies 
>> others are blind to.
> I agree with you that some of us seem to be able to see that kind of
> bullshit and clearly, others can't. Many of us could clearly see all
> the lying and deception taking place leading up to the Iraq killing
> fields, for example. It seemed to me that most of the American people
> must be missing critical brain parts NOT to see that - it was so obvious.
The detachment is something a little different. I'm talking about it 
occurring during these shock incidents such as 9/11.  It's more of a 
state of consciousness than an act of rationalization.
> BUT to suggest that Angela really DID see a conspiracy in Charlie
> Lutes' lecture is just laughable and nuts, Bhairitu. 
I was addressing the experience she mentioned about watching the ship go 
down.  The TM conspiracy theory that is bandied about is that the 
Freemasons wanted to set up a Christianized form of Hinduism and TM was 
the target.  They supposedly used Maharishi and I suppose they think 
that Charlie with his background in the "mystery schools" was the 
operative.  I don't buy in to that but you can see how the theory might 

Similarly it is claimed that Marshall McLuhan told John Lennon that the 
Beatles were being used by the establishment and after that Lennon did 
only charity concerts.
> Here's a conspiracy you can really sink your teeth into. If this stuff
> below is true, it further supports my information about who killed
> JFK. While the stuff below isn't about the JFK assassination keep in
> mind as you read this that George Bush Sr was a CIA liaison in Dallas
> when JFK was shot:
> Confessions of a Covert Agent

That's almost more of an opinion piece and reminds me of the article a 
few month back where someone claimed to be a PsyOp involved in 9-11.  At 
the end of the piece you learned it was fictional but he made a lot of 
good points along the way.   This is sort of the same style of writing 
so might be the same author.  He makes some good points though, not that 
we haven't seen them before.

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