--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "boo_lives" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> But there's no support for meditation centers at the higher levels 
> the tmo.

Why should they ? If you so desperately need a center why don't you 
create one yourself ? 
No creativity ? No drive ? Then please get a cheking and stop whining 
about everyone else.

  There was the push for recertification and Enlightenment
> centers a few yrs ago, but the plans were so wacky that few were
> started and all failed.

Failed by your standards perhaps. But what do you know about the 
process behind this project ? I'd say nada.  

To operate a local center the local teachers
> need to make a living and that ain't happening.  No one is starting 
> at the current price and with the current marketing.

And why should TM be available to everybody everywhere right in from 
the street ? Maharishi said already 25 years ago that no new 
meditators are necessary. Just look at all the nutjobs on this forum 
who learned almost for free. No need for any more free-riders.

> I feel you determine what any organization is really interested in 
> looking where they invest their money and their energy.

The enlivening of the Ved is TMO's primary task these days.

  The TMO has
> hundreds of millions invested in offshore acc'ts and real estate
> earning interest and capital gains. 
They do ? Please clarify.

 If a donor comes forward to
> support a specific world peace project, like the ffld course, then 
> goes forward, but when the donation dries up so does the peace
> project.  See what happens when Settle stops giving $1 million a 
> to MUM, the course there will stop in favor of some big new 
> golden age project for which there is a desperate need for funds,
> never will the TMO dip into its own pocket to keep that course 

You are probably right, and why should they sponsor the rich part of 
the world ?

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