Marek Reavis wrote:
> Can't help but comment on tonight's speeches.  Edwards was good, Clinton was 
> better (IMO) and very gracious, and Huckabee was really excellent and 
> presented 
> himself as a very good, compassionate and intelligent man, sincerely so, I 
> really liked 
> him.
> But Obama totally hit it out of the park.  He gave a deeply inspiring 
> presentation and 
> his oratorical skills, commenting as an admiring practitioner of the craft, 
> absolutely 
> eclipsed all others, even someone as practised as Edwards is.  I think it's 
> entirely 
> possible that he fundamentally changed the campaign; he certainly did so for 
> me.  He 
> seems to be a fine character.  Gorgeous family.  Money in the bank.  Looking 
> forward 
> to New Hampshire and South Carolina.
But aren't you sick of Iowa and NH sort of deciding who's the candidate 
so early in the game since they are less populous states and don't 
really represent the voting demographic of the nation?  Sure we've moved 
up the California primary but with the machine eproms having been stolen 
who knows how that will turn out (paper ballots please).   Maybe we need 
a national primary maybe on a weekend where everyone can get a chance to 
vote.  Or maybe it is time to break the US up into the 9 nations that 
native Americans always used to refer to this country and forget about 
some big power base.  As it is Californians are getting pissed enough to 
support cessation and maybe taking Washington and Oregon with us.  
Ecotopia anyone?

Last spring the local "Peace Group" held its march and rally the same 
day that Obama visited Oakland.  There were almost no younger folks at 
the march and rally as most were going to see Obama.  I see the local 
group anyway as a nostalgia 60's group for us old fogy boomers.  They do 
nothing to attract kids whose future is more at stake.   Maybe they are 
covertly run by the CIA. Obama appeals to the youth vote but is too 
corporate for my taste and we really need to reign the corporations in 
as they are the source of much of the world's problems nowadays.  But 
unfortunately I talk to many kids who think it would be alright if 
Microsoft or General Electric ran everything (shudder).

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