Question Two, Miguel.

[ Can you describe events in your life when you've had either or both? ]


That did not take long to answer did it :- )  Or would you like a longer
answer with more detail maybe :- )  But I could ask as to either or both
of what exactly?  But irrespective of what you were getting at
precisely, I can describe my experiences in life in fine grain detail,
whether they be mystical ones, psychic ones, normal daily life
experiences – it is all the same and easy enough – you just tell
it is it happened, what you found, what it revealed, what effects it has
on one, the implications if any, how one feels about it all, so on and
so forth. No problem.  True, if somebody asked me to describe the whole
of the events of any one football game which I saw as a kid then I could
not do that for I cannot even remember all that detail, or even most of
the games I watched. But, you know what I mean.  Oh by the way, Prose or
Verse tis all the same to me, so I do it in either. But I do not do it
in verse on demand, it just has to come that way if and when.

Throughout life I must have had a couple of dozen psychic experiences, I
do not talk and write about them much for I find them boring to talk and
write about, albeit that they reveal some interesting things about what
the psyche can do and construct and project.

I have only had what could be called two WHAM-BANG deeply profound
Mystical experiences. One Introverted (transcendent) and one Extroverted
type (Local).  It is hard to say exactly how many mini-mystical
experiences I have had.  The first one I can remember was when I was
about three or four and running across a bombsite in London during the
war. That one is in the book.  I have had quite a few at various odd
times here and there throughout life. But this also brings us to the
interesting point about as to how much all daily life becomes itself a
min-mystical experience after a good dosing in all these things :- )  I
dunno, in all truth, to me these days, and for a long time now, the
whole of life and every experience seems that it could fall into the
category of all being something of a mini-mystical experience :- )  The
mundane and the extraordinary just kind of melting into one thing –
LIFE and living it. Tis good.

Some years ago I had a close personal relationship for two or three
weeks with some bird – the two wigged type :- )  A Ring Necked Dove
who came and adopted me by landing on my head and insisted on coming
home to live with for a while. So he did.  Man, that was a weird, wacky
and wonderful experience during normal every day working life. They all
used to come from around where we live to watch this git and I playing
together whilst I was trying to work : -))) Gawd help us, it used to
fight with me, and also sit on my head and just make happy cooing
noises. Oh I did miss that little critter when he found a Lady friend
and buggered off.  I told him to go for it anyway :- )  Well it seemed
to understand, for it looked at me whist sitting on my lap and then went
for it.  But they did come back and visit on and off for the remainder
of the time I lived there. Oh that was fun. The bird became known as
LovyDove. Fantastic relationship we had. I loved it and it seemingly
loved me. What more could want eh. A bit like with the cats and dogs
too, but that tends to me more normal. So they say.

But to me now, well waking up in the morning and all that comes along is
a  kind of mysterious wonder and mini-mystical experience now.  But this
is to do with the effect and our BEING IN THE WORLD. A good friend of
mine wrote a fantastic document you ought to read about this and the
stages one goes through.  You can find it in the file sections of my
chat group lists. It is called  The Exceptional Human Experience
Process: A Preliminary Model with Exploratory Map.  Everybody should
read this and digest it all.

But what does it all amount to in simple everyday terms?  Well, when I
was a little boy everything was wonderful, mysterious and a great
exciting adventure. By the time I was twenty four I had read a lot, done
a lot, seen a lot, thought a lot, discussed a lot, and I assumed I had
learned a lot, and it was all becoming rather mundane and predictable,
and I was in charge of everything. Then one day ZAP !!!  It is like life
grabs you by the short and curlies, or strictly speaking by the
consciousness, and whisks you around in the heights and depths of all
creation, and then says, there you go sunshine, chew the bones out of
that lot !!!  And from that day on it was no longer ever mundane and
predictable and it all started to become mysterious again. But now that
I am near on seventy? Well, it seems I do not really understand anything
any more, tis all a mystery. I enjoy the tip, do what I can do and
don't do what I cannot do. That does not ask too much of a guy does
it. I am thankful that I was born with a fantastic and weird sense of
humour, and which has never faded away one jot. I think having this lot
without a sense of humour to go with it one might go nuts :- ))

Well, I hope that has gone some way in answering your question –
which was a wee bit nebulous by the way :- ) Tell me if I have not got
what you meant by the question however.  But can I describe personal
experiences?  Well, I guess well enough anyway.  Folks seem to get my
drift well enough, and that is all communication is for is it not. These
things do not have to be spoken or written about, but if  you do, then
do the best you can, and wave the rest. So, for me at least, these
events took place from about the age of three up until today.  Tomorrow?
Who knows; I will think about that tomorrow :- )  Grab the day whilst it
is here, for it will never ever ever ever come back again. It is a
cosmological ONE-OFF,  and albeit that we may have many days.

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