>--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> Doug: 
> Winston is back:  From the Rajastan of, Great Britain -This just 
> Rick:  I don't get it. Who is this Winston? Is he a Raja?
> Lurk: This Winston piece was pretty intriquing.  I'd love to get 
> independent confirmation
> Winston, Raja with Spine is Back. V! for Victory!
> Parody.
> Straight parody.  Satire.   Is easy satirical.  
> Is much moral vacuum that is, Maharishi.  Makes a natural moral-gap 
> filler to fill that kind of vacuum with parody Churchill-ian, by 
> contrast.  
> Only 70 years since these words were spoken against an evil menace 
> then, and you don't recognize them?   ( Tisk, Tisk: "Those who 
> study history are condemned to repeat it"(?)
> Churchill: Tyrants are those who use their power over people to 
> their property.  Evil menace is that which misuses the goodwill of 
> people against them to steal their property, liberties and 
> Maharishi has left himself and his TMmovement wide open to 
> this `victory' kind of moral satirical criticism.  Is an easy irony 
> and it works because it has some essential truth to it.  So, it 
>  "Run, you fools…" –Gandalf.
> Mainstream:   Exhibit # 1 - demonstrating the genesis of religion-
> induced war......
> 160827
> >wrote:
> >
> > > Maharishi-Jii (1-9-2008):
> > > 
> > >  I would like to make a wish and see if all the Rajas can give 
> a 
> > >gift.
> > 
> > 
> > Winston is back:
> > From the Rajastan of, Great Britain -This just in...
> > 
> > Forward: 
> > <paste>
> > 
> > From: A Raja with spine, in reply:
> > 
> > To: Maharishi,
> > 
> > "All we have to offer is blood, toil, tears and sweat.
> > 
> > You have faced us with this greatest crisis in our long movement 
> > history.
> > 
> > You now ask what donations we will make, what is our position, 
> > is our policy?  What monuments will we build?
> > 
> > Nay it is to wage war, with all our might.
> > 
> > War, against a monstrous tyranny in our TMorg.  You ask what is 
> > aim?  It is victory. 
> > 
> > Victory despite all the costs to the movement of your monies, 
> victory 
> > despite all the terror of your administration.  Victory no matter 
> how 
> > long and hard the road may be.  For without victory in this, 
> is 
> > no survival of what is special and precious. 
> > 
> > Without victory there will be no survival of Guru Dev's teaching 
> and 
> > all that it has stood for from origin.
> > 
> > War, and victory for the spiritual regeneration movement of Guru 
> > Dev.  Damn the monument builders, damn the idolaters and damn 
> > money-changers.  That spiritual teaching which Guru Dev once 
> > represented has vanished in them.
> > 
> > There is no room for negotiation.  Negotiation is compromise, 
> > only would destroy all that has made Guru Dev and the SRM special.
> > 
> > Nay, why keep your movement, your administration, if the teaching 
> it 
> > once represented has vanished in them?  Off with your robes and 
> > with your crowns.  Down with your monuments.  You are an 
> > embarrassment to all that was once good. Go. Go. Go. Go on.  
> > your attachments to this.  It is time.
> > 
> > For the teaching of Guru Dev and all it has stood for, for 
> humankind, 
> > you must go now.  We will see you on to hell.  It is time.  You 
> have 
> > done your mischief.
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev,
> > 
> > Jai, the Spiritual Regeneration Movement
> > 
> > Jai, the International Meditation Movement of Guru Dev  
> > 
> > -We move to teach transcending.
> > 
> > 
> > Jai Guru Dev,
> > 
> > -Winston, Prime Minister of Greater Britain Rajastan in the 
> > Country of Peace
> > 
> > 
> > p.s., It is better for us to perish in battle than to look upon 
> > outrages of your TMmovement and this teaching now;  this 
> repository, 
> > this embodiment of soul-destroying wrongs and shames of 
> We 
> > will never make a peace with this.  No matter what happens we 
> > fight on.  If the long history of the TMmovement is to end with 
> Rajas 
> > and your monuments, let it end…  Onward soldiers of Truth.  We 
> > these truths to be Self-evident.
> > 
> > We speak to you in a solemn hour, in a war for the soul of 
> mankind.  
> > It is time for you Maharishi to go, as the will of God in Heaven, 
> so 
> > be it.
> > 
> > "The future for the 21st century is research published in 
> > peer-reviewed scientific journals. Period.
> > Get used to it."
> >     -Winston
> > 
> > <end paste>
> > 

"I'm an American"

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <rick@> wrote:
> > >160598
> > > An MUM Governor-faculty member sent this to a friend, as fairly 
> > accurate
> > > notes of today's most historic time of all time
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > > From another source
> > > 
> > > Maharishi-Jii (1-9-2008):
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > >  I would like to make a wish and see if all the Rajas can give 
> a 
> > gift.
> > > Somewhere or everywhere we want the Rajas to ... We want to 
> > perpetuate this
> > > some ... For invincibility because we have had the honor of 
> > creating the
> > > invincibility for the world and we want to make it really a 
> > perpetual shrine
> > > for the world.  A place of ...
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > >  Should think of a memorial of the world transformed into 
> > >invincibility.
> > > Will all the rajas consider where it can be created?
> > > 
> > >  
> > > 
> > >  I feel just now My work is done.  My work is done.   On  
> whatever 
> > day we
> > > would like to create a memorial for an invincible world.  Just 
> talk 
> > for five
> > > minutes and see if I deserve such a gift.  I have really, 
> > completed
> > > My work. ... It was the creation of invincibility for the 
> > world ...  We want
> > > to see if all the Rajas will give Me a gift of, what?  I have 
> > completed My
> > > work and that's it.
> > >
> >
> om.

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