Donovan is talking baby talk on Chanel 3 now.  The old routine doesn't
work anymore.  He seems quite pleased with himself and his profound
importance in bringing out the "knowledge" as a troubadour in the
West.  The Donovan Invincible University song is worse than anything
Emily Levin ever came up with. (and that is a high bar to clear)  I
guess his delusion is better than facing his own musical irrelevance.
Of course there was the other option of evolving as an artist.  How
come when James Taylor sings songs from his youth today,he sounds
great.  But Donovan sounds like he is off his meds?  Maybe its because
in between songs James Taylor comes across like a pretty normal guy. 
Donovan is running the Mr. Roger's thing still while looking like
Angela Lansbury after an unfortunate run in with the wind.

I remember his innocent anthems back in the day.  They were so cute
then.  I guess it doesn't work without weed.  A lot of weed.  Even
more...not yet.

So where is Rick Stanley or Paul Farso.  Not famous enough? Dead (I
have some vague memory about one of them dying?)

Where the F is ZZ Top?  Old Donovan is the best artistic expression of
the fullness of life? Lameness is not enlightened creativity!  There
are no other famous meditators willing to step up for MMY? In a way
his insipid songs do fit the 6 year old birthday party atmosphere I guess.

Now he is repeating Invincible Donovan University, this is HIGH camp.

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