John wrote:
> The USA's 16 intelligence agencies conclude in 
> the National Intelligence Estimate that Iran gave 
> up any nuclear weapons program in 2003?
So, you're thinking that for the past eighteen years 
Iran had a secret nuclear weapons program but in 
2003 they gave it up? But for all of those eighteen
years Iran denied having a nuclear weapons program.

So, what's to prevent Iran from starting it up again?

"It has also long been clear that Iraq is merely a 
front in wider regional — and indeed, global — war. 
Iran declared war on the west in 1979, when Ayatollah 
Khomeini announced his intention of conquering the 
west for Islam. The response of the west has been to 
ignore the fact that war was thus declared upon it, 
as was demonstrated by attacks upon it ever since by 
Iran — along with the Sunni/Wahhabi Islamists, who 
were both its deadly theological rivals for regional 
hegemony and at the same time its allies in the war 
against the free world."

Read more:

'The war against the free world'
Posted by Melanie Phillips:

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