Wow. That first contest so much fun that I sat in a
cafe for a few minutes this afternoon and tried to
come up with some of my own entries. Enjoy, and
please contribute your own. This is a really fun
word game.

Entightenment (n): A higher state of being that your 
plastic surgeon can help you out with. After availing
yourself of his services, you are officially entightened.

Samsadi (n): The state of eliminating from the mind all
thoughts that aren't bummers.

Siddhah (n): A person who can do stuff like levitating
and turning invisible, but who laughs about it.

Tantrum (n): Like a mantrum, but instead of helping to
settle the mind, it makes you act like a two-year-old.

Natural Bendency (n): The baseline quality of the mind
that makes it able to bend reality to make it fit the
things it's been told about the nature of reality.

Transcentdent (n): A new deodorant.

Obsolute (n): A buzzword for the unmanifest aspect of 
life that may be past its expiry date.

Relatives (n): A buzzword for the manifest side of life,
which is often as annoying as one's own family.

Goad Consciousness (n): The state of consciousness in
which one feels compelled to tell others that they'll
understand when they get as high as you are.

Unuty Consciousness (n): A state of consciousness very
similar to Unity, but funnier.

Shivar (n): The rush of kundalini you feel when you medi-
tate on a certain blue guy.

Wishnu (n): One of the triumverate of Hindu gods, the one
who preserves creation, while the other two guys get to
have all the fun of creating and destroying it. His mantra
is, "Oy...another yuga of this maintenance stuff...some-
times I wish that Shiva would win and all of this would
just *end* already." 

Spitituality (n): A form of spiritual practice that involves
a lot of expectoration. Suffice it to say its adherents are
rarely invited twice to the same yagya.

Evulation (n): The conviction that you're more evolved than
someone else.

Politicks (n): A type of insect that carries a deblilitating
disease that makes Americans talk as if there is a real 
difference between the candidates in an election. This insect
is suspected to have a four-year gestation period, because
the outbreaks of the disease seem to occur in four-year

Moralitys (n): A belibitating disease that convinces those
afflicted with it that they know What God Wants and their
neighbors don't.

Ethicks (n): Low-caste folks who live on the outskirts of Eth.

Adwaita (n): An Indian philosophy that tells you that some-
day you'll realize that you don't even exist, if you just
wait long enough.

Reinscarnation (n): The tendency to carry the scars of old
wounds with you from incarnation to incarnation. See samscara.

Samscara (n): The tendency, carried from lifetime to lifetime,
that doing something different than you've always done is
scary, and might land you in even hotter water than doing
the same old same old did. 

Karmat (n): A type of Laundromat where you can get your karma

Anurdveda (n): An ancient set of teachings from the Vedas that
convince socially-inept young men to go into computer science 
and wear pocket protectors.

Dogzchin (n): The part of your dzog just under the lower jaw.

Channelink (n): A URL that, when you click on it, gets you
possessed by a Thirty-Second Level Entity From Geidi Prime.
It's OK, because after the entity starts talking through
you, you can go on the New Age circuit and make a fortune.

Negetarian (n): A weird diet cultist who preaches that veggies
are bad for you.

Selibate (adj): A term used to describe someone who can't
talk about his spiritual beliefs without trying to sell

Vedar (n): The psychic ability that enables Nabby to tell
when one of us is Off The Program.

Sciencology (n): A cult formed by former FFL member L. Run
Offhard. Based on his technique of Cryanetics, its philos-
ophy is that if one cries "My technique is best" enough 
times, it will be, even if it hasn't been peer-reviewed.

Pasting Limits (n): A policy on Yahoo chat group Fairfield
Life that says that posters are allowed no more than five
references to the past in any single week without being
regarded as living in the past.

Lier (n): Someone who overuses the ephithet "Liar!"

Um (n): A mantra, similar to Om, but from Tennessee.

Bramhaloco (n): The most popular nightclub in Bramhaloka.
(Ok, I cheated and changed two letters here. My bad.)

Mahacheesi Effect (n): The woo-woo rays radiating from 
Fairfield that are so powerful that people in the nearby
state of Wisconsin believe that "squeaky cheese" is 
actually an edible foodstuff. (Sorry...even more cheat-
ing here, and you won't get the joke unless you have
ever been forced to eat squeaky cheese.)

Kundaloony (n): What you get when your shushuma starts
pumpin' more energy than it can handle. (Obviously, the
rules of the contest have gone bye-bye at this point,
but I liked the definition.)

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