Here is the only known photograph taken inside the 
Barsana Dham Temple during a meditation session. 
The Swami, the guy in the ochre robe, is the Swami 
Prakashananda Saraswati, a direct diciple of Swami 
Brahmananda Saraswati of Jyotirmath. That's me 
sitting at his feet, the guy with the silly grin 
on his face, sitting up front just under the giant 
gold-framed picture of Radha-Krishna that I framed 
for the Swami. That's Rita in the middle, the 
good-lookin' gal in the sari.

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: Willytex
Date: Thurs, Dec 9 2004 3:11 pm 
Subject: That's me, sitting up in front 

> where exactly is the-, "giant gold-framed picture 
> of Radha-Krishna that you framed for the Swami"?? 
At my house now?

Richard J. Williams wrote:
> The following report is a preliminary social 
> analysis of the so-called 'rasavada', a minor 
> deviant tantric sect, and is based on years 
> of field studies in the holy land of Braj, 
> India, including personal extended ritual 
> participation and gleanings of insider 
> information concerning the rasavada proclivities, 
> and other unspecified baula-kama practices, 
> and through observation in which various and 
> sundry phrases were overheard at camp-meets.
> Read more: 
> Insider's Report:

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