(Turq and others mainstream gives a spoiler here)

mainstream20016 wrote:
> Were we to have a glimmer of hope for equity, the film would have made the 
> grade as a 
> damning critique of ruthless entrepreneurship.  TWBB only demonstrates the 
> monstrosity 
> of greed, it doesn't give direction to how justice might be done. The 
> villain's casual 
> suggestion to his man-servant to tidy the bowling alley in the final scene 
> was chilling to 
> me - I was immediately discouraged when the filmed ended shortly therafter.  
> The 
> message I got was, "This is how the powerful evade justice, as a matter of 
> course, and to 
> expect anything otherwise is naive."  
Exactly and that is the point: the rich get away with murder.  Think Ken 
Lay, think Rupert Murdoch, think Larry Ellison (who as folks in the Bay 
Area can tell you is a real pompous asshole just like the character in 
the movie), think the Walton family, and on and on.  And what kind of 
nut would be so greedy to just keep accumulating wealth and power?  
Those people are clearly insane as was the character in the movie.  
Let's not worship them but we have some fools (including a few here) 
that do.

To have some "superhero" character to appear and make things right would 
have made the film trite.  Did you know that the superhero myth is just 
a form of predictive programming that's been around for centuries to 
program the masses for delusional behavior that their rulers can manipulate?

Again the film was based on a story by Upton Sinclair and he was not 
kind to the greedy and justifiably so.   I haven't read the book but it 
should be a quick read as Anderson just adapted the first 150 pages of 
it.  Maybe a superhero appears later on.  :D
>> They still are that way and are responsible for the coming collapse of 
>> the US economy (as well as our politicians who were buy protecting 
>> government and big business and not the people).  That, I predict, will 
>> cause a HARD pendulum swing to socialism.... <snip>
> It's unfortunate that candidates like Kucinich, and even Edwards, are 
> marginalized by the 
> media in this election cycle.  Were either to have been given even one-half 
> of the free 
> prominent publicity that John McCain has received from the establishment in 
> the past two 
> months, they would be on top. 
Well the wealthy get away with murder and election fraud.  They will 
once again produce an illusion of democracy come November.

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