I think you're misquoting Benjamin Franklin who said, "A republic, if you can 
keep it."

----- Original Message ----
From: The Secret <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:29:42 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Please communicate to all governors


            --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "shempmcgurk" <shempmcgurk@ 



> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "curtisdeltablues" 

> <curtisdeltablues@ > wrote:

> >

> > I think we can all safely just toss the Collected Papers now,

don't > ya

> > think?  No more need to pretend...

> > 

> > The religion of Guru Devism is born.





> It's only 11 days since Maharishi gave up control of and management 

> of the TMO and the clowns -- I mean the Rajas -- that have taken over 

> have, as Curtis has indicated, already gone the extra mile to 

> solidify the "religious" nature of the Movement.


> This supports the theory that I have presented on this forum from 

> time to time: that Maharishi abandoned the "TM is not a religion or 

> philosophy" tenet of the TM Program because he was badgered to do so 

> by the sycophants that have surrounded him for the past 35 years. And 

> now those very sychophants have become the gate-keepers. 


> They wore the poor man down by continually demanding that he give 

> them the "real" knowledge despite his continual admonitions that the 

> TM technique was the full and complete program. Well, Maharishi may 

> be enlightened but he is only human.  And at some point he threw his 

> hands up and said: "Okay, if you want 'the real knowledge' I guess 

> that's what I have to GIVE you." So now we've got THIS catastrophy on 

> our hands: Rajas, tinfoil hats, Vedic peanut butter, etc.


> Well, the inmates have got the reigns of the ship now and, presto!, 

> we're prostrating once a day for the next month.


> Abraham?  Can you please bring Isaac over to the alter?  Yeah, and 

> bring some of those briquettes, too, while you're at it...


Man,  I'm in a mood to laugh, laugh, laugh.  Thank you.  I haven't had

such belly laughs in years.

But let me try to understand your arguments.  You're saying that

Maharishi did not have a hidden agenda of using the West to awaken the

East, of spreading Maharishi brand Hinduism throughout the world? 

This of course runs counter to the way it was explained to us wide

eyed  children:  that Maharishi was giving us what we needed at the

time and or that our raising the world's consciousness allowed the

Maha Rishi to cognize more and more of the Vedic truth, or as I always

believed, to pull all of this shit out of his ass.  Dr. BM doesn't

just have those funny initials for nothing.  Of course we've read

which group of great seers and Shankaracharias granted him the title

he scribbled on that stationary in London.  Let me speak a bit more

sweetly and say that he pulled that one out of the air as well.

I don't quite get your problem with this becoming a religion.  Look at

the structure.  To paraphrase the words of a founding father of the

United States of America, we're giving you a theocracy, Madam, if you

can keep it.  That's right.  He erected a freakin theocracy.  What

do you expect a theocracy to do, declare that God is dead?  For crying

out loud.




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