Simply a tragic loss in Tao rating:

Sex Scandaled TM Movement, Rating Falls in Tao-Jones Shakti Index

"At its peak in the early 1990's the TMmovement claimed a million 
meditators in North America, some 30 thousand teachers of TM and 
about 100 thousand advanced practitioners of TM.  About one in 300 
Americans had learned TM during the 1070's, 80's and early 90's.  
Through Vedic accounting practices a vast international empire of 
capital and real estate holdings was amassed through donations 
solicited from members of goodwill, for world peace projects.

Today membership is down to some several hundreds of followers, 
administrated by some who were rajas until recently who had paid for 
their titles, and now some few appointed Rajas and prime ministers, a 
King and an aged founder and paid pundits.  -- a downturn blamed 
largely on complaints about the sexual scandals of administrators and 
financial improprieties within the group. A loss of shakti."

Sex Scandaled Megachurch Rating falls in Tao Jones Shakti Indices....

Simply a tragic loss in Tao rating:

"At its peak in the early 1990s, it claimed about 10,000 members and
24 pastors and was a media powerhouse. By soliciting tithes of 10
percent from each member's income, the church was able to build a
Bible college, two schools, a worldwide TV ministry and a $12 million
sanctuary the size of a fortress.

Today membership is down to about 1,500, the church has 18 pastors,
most of them volunteers, and the Bible college and TV ministry have
shuttered - a downturn blamed largely on complaints about the sexual

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